AP story: Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign said Monday it will return $850,000 in donations raised by Democratic fundraiser Norman Hsu, who is under federal investigation for allegedly violating election laws.
Clinton, D-N.Y., previously had planned only to give to charity $23,000 she received from Hsu for her presidential and senatorial campaigns and to her political action committee, HillPac.
The FBI is investigating whether Hsu paid so-called straw donors to send campaign contributions to Clinton and other candidates, a law enforcement official said Monday.
"In light of recent events and allegations that Mr. Norman Hsu engaged in an illegal investment scheme, we have decided out of an abundance of caution to return the money he raised for our campaign," Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson said in a statement Monday night. "An estimated 260 donors this week will receive refunds totaling approximately $850,000 from the campaign."
Wolfson said the Clinton campaign also will vigorously review its fundraisers, including thorough criminal background checks, in the future. "In any instances where a source of a bundler's income is in question, the campaign will take affirmative steps to verify its origin," he said.
The amount that the campaign identified as raised by Hsu would make him one of her top fundraisers. During the first six months of this year, her presidential campaign raised $52 million from individual contributors, second to Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., who raised $58.5 million.
Clinton, D-N.Y., previously had planned only to give to charity $23,000 she received from Hsu for her presidential and senatorial campaigns and to her political action committee, HillPac.
The FBI is investigating whether Hsu paid so-called straw donors to send campaign contributions to Clinton and other candidates, a law enforcement official said Monday.
"In light of recent events and allegations that Mr. Norman Hsu engaged in an illegal investment scheme, we have decided out of an abundance of caution to return the money he raised for our campaign," Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson said in a statement Monday night. "An estimated 260 donors this week will receive refunds totaling approximately $850,000 from the campaign."
Wolfson said the Clinton campaign also will vigorously review its fundraisers, including thorough criminal background checks, in the future. "In any instances where a source of a bundler's income is in question, the campaign will take affirmative steps to verify its origin," he said.
The amount that the campaign identified as raised by Hsu would make him one of her top fundraisers. During the first six months of this year, her presidential campaign raised $52 million from individual contributors, second to Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., who raised $58.5 million.
I'm pulling for Edwards. I've made no secret of that. Hillary's got too much baggage.
Now you understand why the Swift Boat types in the GOP want to run against Hillary and not Barack. They can't get crazy over attacking him without looking like racist fools but Hillary easy game.
The rank and file Black Caucus will supoort here because of Bill's star power and promises of crumbs from the table. They are jealous of Barack's education and eloquence and they also feel he does not kowtow to them.
That's a whole lot of ducats right there. My feeling is that her team had to have known because wouldn't they want to do their own investigations about where the $$ was coming from in case something like this were to happen.
I agree with Snowman and Anonymous as well.
Can you say ambivalence? It doesn't mean one doesn't care. It means one is torn in two opposite directions. She is the definition of this word both for herself and for my decision whether or not to vote for her.
My money is with you regarding the CBC. They will ignore Obama and go for the Slick Willie pay off!
If she wins the nomination, prepare to see videos of her talking about "vast right wing conspiracy" (which I actually believe but it makes her look batty) and the one where she says she talks to Eleanor Roosevelt. Willie Horton, Gore's internet invention misrepresentation, and Kerry's Swift Boat are minor compared to how they can crucify her.
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