The photos here should tell it all. I'm taking a break from ranting on the craven, deplorable and neo-colonial state of black fiction, nonfiction, TV and film-writing. Here, we see what's going on in Mr. Charlie and Missy Anne's world, and it begs the question whether I should be so sanctimonious about what we culud folk are doing, I suppose.
First, zoftig reporter (I guess I have to call her a TV journalist in this millieu) Rita Cosby has penned a new comprehensive book on...urgh...Anna Nicole called In Blonde Ambition: The Untold Story Behind Anna Nicole Smith's Death. Yes, there's my favorite word again: Allegory. It and the stories orbiting like dead moons is allegory for our nation in this 21st Century. Our Dark Ages of utter intellectual stagnation, luridness, polarization, excess. Of course Rita doesn't know what the word means or cares. The thrust? Surprise!!! Larry Birkhead and Howard K Stern cut secret side deals and neither give damn about the baby, "Little Danny-whatever" (I heard it so many times this past winter that I forgot it...there's irony for ya!).
Second "revelation": Stern and Birkhead are queer. Digression here: I wonder if just plain ordinary gayfolk sit back and suck their teeth at the flamboyant queen and gruff dyke images on TV and film, the closet-DL perversion of these right wing GOP senators and Congressmen, etc. and say: "What the hell--that ain't us!" the same way regular black folks check out images of us, often by us, in books, music, film, etc? Oh well.
Supposedly Stern even used Birkhead's closet fondness for sausage as a hammer and shield to begin the alleged secret side deal talks that ultimately set up both assholes on easy street for life, and nevermind taking care of that chill. It's all about the bucks and a big con act, according to Rita. Bravo Hachette (the publisher), bravo Rita, and bravo boys, See, Stern and Birkhead are threatening defamation suits and Hachette's ready to bring out the big gun firms to defend. Hell I could do it in my sleep; quid pro quo for a book deal, Hachette honchos! How any defamation plaintiff wins in this no news, only infotainment and Hannity punditry word is beyond me! Look, Stern and Birkhead are public figures. Can you say "Malice/Reckless disregard for the truth?" That is almost as high a burden in civil law as you can go--almost up there with criminal law's beyond a reasonable doubt. And you have to show damages. Birkhead has a better claim there, having snookered everyone--hell a whole country (the Bahamas) into thinking he's some sort of blond knight. Stern, hell--you gotta a reputation to begin with in order to prove it's damaged! Case closed.
Then again, you get the stinky feeling that even THIS controversy's scripted. Ah, Bush's America! Ah, the book industry! What the hell did they have against Clifford Irving, in retrospect? ;-)
As if that doesn't make you want to shower, guess what Barnes & Noble is doing! Gasp! So it ain't so! They are stocking the OJ book. You remember that book that Judith Regan was canned over ? That Rubert Murdoch (who owns Fox News, Fair and Balanced..Seig Heil!) put the kibosh on? That the Goldman Family said was utterly disgusting?
Well...this is America, folks. Bush's America, 2007. B & N's seen the rush of advance orders at Borders, Amazon and it's own website. It's the same rationale that keeps the Chinese dictating our economy and Wal-Mart the store of last recourse for too many families. The Long Green. The Goldmans have affirmed every sick stereotype of Jews, "Ari Gold" in HBO's Entourage style and are so, so enthused about this "disgusting" book as a means to satisfy their old...OLD judgment against the Juice. Juice is riding high on the attention. We're all still wondering about the Jena 6, or Ted Nugent threatening Obama, or when Obama is going to come out swinging with some concrete and innovative domestic and foreign policies, or Vick and DMX's canine troubles, or wondering why despite Jay-Z and Diddy's success (hahahaha) we remain at society's bottom income rung (even the illegal aliens with no health insurance are doing a bit better)...all the while the bullshit factory runs day and night on these raw materials. Lawd Lawd Lawd...maybe I should be a LaHaye book fan and pray for the Rapture. I couldn't come sooner...
Uh, I had my suspicions regarding Birkhead and Howard Stern on both fronts. As for the Juice I registered my opinion in one of your previous posts. What the hell did you think was going to happened, bruh? I called this last year. Hypocrisy, and cash always rule. That is why your girls Zane and Terry Woods are bestsellers--to put it in your book context--and earning "Mr. Charlie" his money.
I ordered the book online. I want to read it on the train and piss people off...
Steve wonder could see that Howard K Stern played for the other team. Not sure about Larry but I wouldn't be surprised.
Can someone please explain the Zane thing to me? I don't get it. The books are not sexy or erotic. I had to read them for work for the film rights. I'm curious to how the films will do.
re: OJ I'm not shocked. In America it's all about making that money.
You are a good prognosticator. I recall you predicted that the hyperbole would calm and greed would take over and presto it did.
I cannot help thinking that the lawsuit talk isn't also part of a marketing scheme for the reason you mentioned: unless Rita Cosby is utterly craven with the facts, these "gentlemen" have a very difficult case.
so, this is my conspiracy theory: that the old guy's siblings conspired to have anna killed... i mean, people get shot or stabbed to death over $10 in the street, right? there was a whole lotta money at stake in anna nicole's legal mess with her deceased husband's family.
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