As I predicted, Mad Men won. So did Paul Giamatti and Laura Linney for John Adams. And 30 Rock. And Paul Cranston as the meth-cooking cancer ridden high school teacher in Breaking Bad. (Meth--that's that crime scourge white folks don't like talking about...especially in Alaska). What--no Dancing with the Stars? Or cage fighting or Army Wives of the NHL? Sorry Sarah. Hollywood--you aren't American enuf...
Breaking Bad is my show.
BTW did you saw Ballast?
Seems like most BEST movies with all Afro-Americans cast are made by Europeans [caucasians if you insist].
You mostly review BAD movies, I assume this one is good!
Yeah but I bet she liked the actual program. Anything with Seacrest.
How could Paul Giamatti and Laura Linney NOT win for John fricking Adams? Or 30 Rock! There is nothing else good on TV. I have not seen Mad Men despite your endorsement?
Channeling Palin wouldn't you say John Adams was only for elitists? How many blacks saw it by the way? There was that silly scene at the end with Jefferson dying and an middle aged Sally Hemings by his side. Why didn't "Nat Turner" squeal about that?
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