Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Update on my 10/24 blogpost. Check this out: "D.C. Attorney General Peter Nickles said Monday that any past and current contracts awarded without the approval of the D.C. Council are "legal and binding," three days after he had said the D.C. Housing Authority broke city law by awarding $82 million worth of such contracts, most of them to firms with personal and political ties to Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D). "

Now I no longer think Adrian Fenty is an empty track suit. He's Nixon, and Peter Nickles is John Mitchell.


Showell said...


mrblack said...

Wenn sich die ersten Nachtfröste ankündigen, müssen die meisten Kübelpflanzen geschützt oder ins Winterquartier gebracht werden: Jede Pflanzenart reagiert anders auf die verschiedenen Witterungen des Jahres. Bevor die Pflanzen in die Winterruhe geschickt werden, sollten ihre Bedürfnisse bekannt sein, erinnert die LWK Nordrhein-Westfalen.
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