Check the tone of our all news radio station in DC, WTOP--which relies on Fox News for many feeds--regarding the bastard who flew a plane into a building in Austin, Texas. Read here.
So if his skin was darker and his name was Mustafa, it wouldn't be a "grudge" and "pressure"--it'd be terrorism? What a bunch of two faced bullshit. This guy was a lunatic and terrorist. Luckily no one was killed other than his crazy ass.
So if his skin was darker and his name was Mustafa, it wouldn't be a "grudge" and "pressure"--it'd be terrorism? What a bunch of two faced bullshit. This guy was a lunatic and terrorist. Luckily no one was killed other than his crazy ass.
I wonder if they mention this guy or the Holocaust Museum murderer at Tea Partier rallies? Minor embarassments, certainly not terrorists...
He is a Home Grown Domestic Terrorist. Since I am not employed by the MSM, I will call it like I see it. And to millions of people around the world-the face of terrorism looks like his.
This is why I believe in random searches at the airport. I say search the white old lady.
Good points!
Have you seen the latest? His daughter says he's a hero.
Vernon Hunter, a 67 IRS employee was killed in the crash.
I think the rationale for him not being classified as a terrorist is that he wasn't affiliated with an organized group (e.g. Ku Klux Klan, Al Qaeda, Pat Robertson).
So he's just a garden variety nut who was crazy to begin with but was searching for something to victimize him to justify his insanity and actions.
Also Dr. Amy Bishop, the shooter at University of Alabama, fits into this category too.
For anyone who proclaims this man a hero, I hope they or anyone they love are not the victims of such a random, vicious attack.
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Redneck pieces of shit.He left a manifesto. He's a terrorist.
Exactly! Not only that but WHY do they keep showing the picture of him playing guitar?! Like that's supposed to make this prick endearing or something. But notice the photo of the Nigerian 'shoe bomber' looks like a mugshot or they keep calling this asshole 'crazy' and 'mentally disturbed' HUH?!! That also goes for the asshole who shot at the Pentagon. If Colin Ferguson and John Muhammed aren't crazy then neither are these fools.
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