Friday, July 09, 2010

Glenn Beck calles Reconstruction "evil"

Of course. And Avatar as well (why can't liberals make "Birth of a Nation" over again?). Now he's sending the love to Senator Joseph McCarthy as a hero.

Wake up, America. There's fascism out there, all right. But it ain't in the White House.


Deocliciano Okssipin Vieira, aka Ochyming said...

Do you really think your country men and women are that myopic?
They know. They're just pretending. Like taking Israel side at any cost is showing patriotism and protecting the holy land.

Humans believe in what they want to.
Remember humans created Gods in the end to believe that WE are Its creation.

Wake up yes, to stop pretending and actually realize that the world is changing.

Yes i believe Fascism is what Anthony Braxton calls "part of a grand Southern political strategy."

Deocliciano Okssipin Vieira, aka Ochyming said...

NYTimes on Mark Twain’s unexpurgated autobiography:

Whether anguishing over American military interventions abroad or delivering jabs at Wall Street tycoons, this Twain is strikingly contemporary. Though the autobiography also contains its share of homespun tales, some of its observations about American life are so acerbic — at one point Twain refers to American soldiers as “uniformed assassins” — that his heirs and editors, as well as the writer himself, feared they would damage his reputation if not withheld.

“From the first, second, third and fourth editions all sound and sane expressions of opinion must be left out,” Twain instructed them in 1906. “There may be a market for that kind of wares a century from now. There is no hurry. Wait and see.”

… if made today in the context of Iraq or Afghanistan, would probably lead the right wing to question the patriotism of this most American of American writers.

via: DF

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Oh I forgot. This is Christopher Chamber's blog.

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… if made today in the context of Iraq or Afghanistan, would probably lead the right wing to question the patriotism of this most American of American writers.

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Now I understand.

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who graduated from Woodward in 1874, laid the cornerstone of the current building; it opened in 1910.[36] The site is linked to the Underground Railroad, an informal network of secret routes and safe houses used by 19th-century black slaves in the United States; Levi Coffin (known as "The President of the Underground Railroad"[37]) had a home there from 1856 to 1863.[


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Now I understand.

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But Harry had just seen — slinking toward them, his body low to the ground, wide yellow eyes glinting eerily in the darkness — Crookshanks. Whether he could see them or was following the sound of Scabbers’s squeaks, Harry couldn’t tell.
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