Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Angelina Jolie as Cleopatra?! Hollywood...and White Audiences...don't change

Read Talia White's column in MSNBC's The Grio (and check my columns as well, fanboys & girls) then come back here.

Didn't the BBC do an investigation (in conjunction with Discovery) showing that through bone and DNA analysis (on her little sister Arsinoe--pronounced R-SIN-OH-WAY, and depicted in art with major plaited black braids of her own hair) this woman was more African than Ptolemy/Greek?

Note to you history-challenged jerks: Alexander the Great first severed Egypt from the Persian Empire (modern day Iran)...hence we have Alexandria. When he died, one of his best buds, the general Ptolemy, took Egypt as his little prize and made Alexandria his capital (and a repository of ancient art & technology while white folks were painting themselves with bull dung). Hence from that moment till the destruction of the dynasty by the Romans under Augustus, all Pharoahs were at least part Greek. That part diminished to a trickle. And far from being an exotic courtesan [which one would think would thus drive tools in Hollywood to pick someone who's maybe a Latina or with a "Middle Eastern/South Asian look" because that's the "type" cineplex suburban Americans expect] Cleo even as a teenager spoke 4 languages, was a mathmetician, poetess/comedienne and studied diplomacy from materials in the Great Library. She was a more a nerdy chick with a nice sex drive and a lot of ambition, not a scheming ho. But alas, most of that scheming involved killing a lot of folks, and it changed the course of Rome's, thus our, history...

Two years ago, archeologists found the body of Arsinoe (whom she had assassins kill once her old lover Julius Caesar died) and did the forensics. It works the same why as when they do a work up on your sibling, or parents' bodies to determine who/what the heck you are. And unless a Viking had an affair with Cleo's momma, the results and anecdotal/historical Roman (i.e. Plutarch) and Egyptian accounts should be conclusive.

But that don't bother Hollywood none. Somebody has to market to Red State morons...and go with brand names to ensure some semblence of a box office take. But that, interestingly, isn't the most cynical aspect to this. Like Liz Taylor et al...isn't Angelina...or Halle or any other black actress mentioned...too OLD? When Cleo met Caesar she was 16. She died at age 30, maybe? The closest to a decent and accurate rendering was HBO's Rome (more a precusor to Starz's Spartacus: Blood & Sand than 300). The chick still had a little too much Avril Lavigne in her, but also it was clear there was some sistah as well.

So let's stop the bullsh^t. I hear white people whining about Don Glover trying to be cast as Spider Man/Peter Parker, or huffing "Then let Spike Lee make the movie." That's not the point. The point is that Hollywood, as a weird carnie mirror to our society, has been doing the opposite to people of color for decades...indeed, since D.W. Griffith delighted audiences in 1915 by having white actors smeared on blackface to play the treacherous, rapacious, presumptuous, arrogant, not-knowing-their-place mulattoes of Birth of A Nation. Damn, those adjectives sound like Obama, don't it, Rand and Sarah? Guess we should get Fred Armisen in the film version?


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Denise said...

The age thing tips it.

ch555x said...

I hate to say it, but H-wood, for the most part, is catering to a majority-white audience. Accuracy isn't in the cards, which is obvious. Just look at The Last Airbender, Prince of Persia, and other similar roles. They don't and probably never will have POC's in mind, since they're more interested in appeasing a white audience more so than any other non-white entity...which is comedic, but true. LMAO@this mess!

Eagle said...

Obama=arrogant nigger to ruin America

You=ignorant nigger who is a nigger

Eagle said...

You think you are bright--but it's affirmative action that got you into college and you are dumber than pig shit.

Knute Rife said...

Wow, Eagle, such pithy comments. I know Nat, and I know pig shit, and I can say definitively that Nat is not dumber than pig shit.

Deocliciano Okssipin Vieira, aka Ochyming said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deocliciano Okssipin Vieira, aka Ochyming said...

Hollywood = makes money, not art. But art needs money. Otherwise Wall Street will kill them like your pro-profit universities.
Reason WHY creative artists continue on leaving USA for Europe or japan or go underground in the USA, where people actually pay or better care for art.

White audience = Thru their pocket makes the world go around.

Wwash-out of history is as old as the mankind itself.

I have no problem with Jolie as Cleopatra. I have problem with her stupid father ramblings.

Painting cleopatra as a slut is perhaps the most troubling thing here. I doubt the veracity of it, because nothing proves it.

The Real Eagle said...

Methinks "Eagle" is too chickenshit to reveal an identity. Did he/she come over here from Henneman's blog? (smile)

msladyDeborah said...

I have been waiting for decades to see Cleopatra made over with a sista in the lead role. I guess that is not going to happen.

I suppose that the studio moguls will justify their choice of Angelina because of her lips and "exotic" looks. It would be nice to see a films that runs closer to historical fact that fantasy. But the idea of a sista being intelligent, sexy and capable of ruling a nation is probably more than a lot of folks can take.

I have to say this before closing, if Eagle is so damn smart it doesn't show in his style of writing. It doesn't take a lot of intelligence to sling the "N" Word. That is just so easy and an indication of someone who can't wage an intelligent argument using the English language.

ch555x said...

Let the Eagle Soar...

Ether Blade said...

I was arguing with some people on the HBO Rome community board years back. I stated that Cleopatra was of african descent and they pounced on me. They quoted something from a book called The Myth of Afrocentrism or some mess. White people can not handle the fact that this woman was not one of them. The fact that white women have been playing her for years in Hollywood just proves that. She was brown skinned. There were no pale people during that time. Hollywood needs to wake up.

Deocliciano Okssipin Vieira, aka Ochyming said...


She was brown skinned.

How do you know?
And who cares how she looks like?

Most of Egyptians today are Arabs, back them Egypt was the center of the world, Europeans did go there for education not for treasure hunt as National Geography paints.

Anonymous said...

And 'eagle' is a dumba## prick troll trying to start trouble don't worry about them they are roaches who will eventually get squished. Even if she wasn't 'African' she damn sure wasn't Angelina and MANY historians have describe her as having dark skin. And I know fro a FACT Marianne Pearl has brown skin but Angie had no problem playing her.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Cleopatra and Arsinoe were half sisters; same father, different mother. So the point about her mother being African is moot. It is possible she could have been, but there is no proof that she was. Remember too that inbreeding in the royal family was a tradition, even with the Ptolemys, so the chances of her Greek ancestry being "diminished to a trickle" as you put it is wishful thinking.

Sun Flower said...

I do like Jolie; I think she does good work and is hardworking. However, she lacks passion and for a portrait role like this one, depth and even credibility. Perhaps she just needs to prove us naysayers all wrong and show that she is more of a character study than the "catch the badass" gun/spear/any weapon toting Lara Croft/Evelyn Salt/assassin. Plus, it would be helpful if she was not thronged by media while on location so that audiences don't get a reel by reel of the damn movie even before it comes out

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Unknown said...

Great. Hollywood takes another dump on antiquity with an 'alternative' retelling of what happened to suit a modern audience. Does anyone else remember the travesty which was Troy?

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Angelina Jolie as Cleopatra is a great idea. No other female actress is as intoxicating to look at as Angelina. Great choice.
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I was arguing with some people on the HBO Rome community board years back. I stated that Cleopatra was of african descent and they pounced on me. They quoted something from a book called The Myth of Afrocentrism or some mess. White people can not handle the fact that this woman was not one of them. The fact that white women have been playing her for years in Hollywood just proves that. She was brown skinned. There were no pale people during that time. Hollywood needs to wake up.

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chip said...

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Angelina can play whoever and whatever she wants. She is a great actress and will bring Cleopatra to life. I cannot wait.
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You got the ages slightly wrong... Cleopatra was around 20 when she met Caesar and 39 when she died.

Like someone mentioned, there was a lot of inbreeding in that family to retain the bloodline.

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It should be the best black actress for the role of Cleopatra and the best Greek actor for Julius Caesar. And she should be young (under 21).

Jolie is boring at this point,

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seemingly uppity in all of her movies from Gone in 60 Seconds to Wanted.

If they make a $300 million movie with her it will flop. The Tourist was rated terribly, and was a flop at the office.

Hollywood should stay away from this idea that "stars" that are all over the tabloids sell movies. Twilight and Hunger Games have proven otherwise, with casts full of no-name actors. Give us a good story, and if you stay true to history (black and young for Cleo) you will have a story ppl will respect and possibly pay money to see, instead of an ego-filled Jolie bore-fest.

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I have no problem with Jolie as Cleopatra. I have problem with her stupid father ramblings.

Painting cleopatra as a slut is perhaps the most troubling thing here. I doubt the veracity of it

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The grammatical function can be changed by changing the markers according to rule. The semantic element does not change; thus it is "inflected" or altered to express different grammatical functions. Inflection utilizes affixing and infixing. Affixing is prefixing and suffixing. Inflections are never prefixed. Suffixing and infixing are the methods by which the grammatical function is changed. For example, amabit, "he or she will love", is considered formed from a semantic element, or stem, ama-, to which a future tense marker, -bi-, is infixed, and a third person marker, -t, is suffixed. There is an inherent ambiguity: -t may denote more than one grammatical category, in this case either masculine or feminine gender.
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There are six general tenses in Latin (present, imperfect, future, perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect), three grammatical moods (indicative, imperative and subjunctive, in addition to the infinitive, participle, gerund, gerundive and supine), three persons (first, second, and third), two numbers (singular and plural), two voices (active and passive), and three aspects (perfective, imperfective, and stative). Verbs are described by four principal parts:
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