...as long as he doesn't try to land on an aircraft carrier. That's him with Princetonian proconsul Gen. Petreus, who's overseen the cutting of many checks payable to random Shiite militiamen in Iraq, thus making the surge a success. I've already said we can duplicate that here--flood the streets with cops WHILST buying off the thugs and drug dealers. Hey, fellow author George Pelecanos came up with that in his scripts for The Wire, third season (Bunny Colvin's "Hamsterdam"). Barack and Petreus, pay the man his royalties...
Anyhow, this photo and story are from MSNBC/Washington Post. Read here. The dek (sub title): President-elect tries reassure top brass that he will listen, do nothing rash. A lot of folk who voted for him did so in the hopes he would be, well, rash. As in turn 180 degrees from 8 years of bizarre homage to what brought down Rome, right down to supporting wars so we can can support our legionnaries...oops...troops.
Even Eisenhower--yeah even he of D-Day fame--had to kow tow and mollify generals. He invented the term "military-industrial complex" and said it would hold the country hostage. I say it is along with the fallacious warrior "culture" which has nothing to do with samuarai type codes and everything to do with redneck macho, Hollywood, video games and guns. This is what Barack must deal with so be patient!!!
I agree. He is dealing with an entrenched toxic culture but it remains the only defense structure we have. If he were to wipe it out in one swipe the short term harm would be severe. I can't believe I'm saying this myself, but I think Barack has no choice.
Hey I understand all of that. And I am willing to be "patient." But there is the Barack of the mythic campaign, there is one who's a bit more "cautious." LOL
I like the cautious Barack. It is smarter. So far, listening to David Petraeus has been a good idea, so glad he's doing it.
He isn't CinC yet. By leaving Frank and Mel in charge at Sec of State Manny and Tony are dead men walking
As squity-eyed as I am about these Cabinet choices I was goose-pimply watching clips of the press conference today. Who would have forseen this 8 years ago when Republican thugs stole the election from Gore? That is what keeps me going when I see Hillary, or nondescript Eric Holder, or Gates!
Obama knows that he is walking the plank and has to move cautiously or they will do him in like Kennedy. This is the reason he is surrounding himself with a War Cabinet and preparing for domestic insurgencies as the dollar collapses next year. Z is the man pulling the strings now.
It's a wise move even if he is planning wider policy changes.
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