This got lost (as did most of Autumn...damn it's THANKSGIVING ALREADY?!) in the presidential maelstrom, but I figured I'd showcase it, as it's just plain harsh and amusing, and you know those are my weaknesses. Yeah, Denis Leary post coming soon. It's a response to the "new" incarnation of the Hip Hop mag The Source (originally conceived by another Princetonian, Brother Selwyn, back in the bad ole days) . Check this out here. I love this stuff.
The Bad Old days...what is that supposed to mean? You don't want to start a NY/DC beef do you?
He must mean the Nasty Nineties!!!
My ex red The Source. I don't know anyone else outside of 11th graders who does!!!
You better stop posting these things. Somebody who either reads or appears in The Source might shoot you on the Metro.
You guys are a mess...i wrote for Th Source during the "nasty nineties" and I always thought we did some great work. Many of the staff went on to do wonderful things in writing, photography, graphic design and television.
Editors/writers Selwyn Hinds, Frank Williams, Smokey Fontaine, Dream Hampton, Mimi Valdes, Elliot Wilson, Tracy McGregor, Oliver Wang and others were some of the best in the country.
And, the former art director David Curcurito now designs Esquire.
In fact, the 1999 issue that featured my cover story on Lauryn Hill was nominated for a National Magazine Award.
A little less classism wouldn't kill YOU people.
SoCal 82Tiger Says:
Professor - The Source... Is that like the "Maxim"izing of Hip Hop & Street Culture??? If so then everyone IS getting a "Cosmo" they can call their own!!!
I know the journalism at the magazine's inception was great but what about now? What is the context of the beef in the post which Chris Chambers links to? Is he a former reporter?
In his joy in sharing all things "harsh" Mr. Chambers didn't give us the background of that person's article...
All it says: "I’m a rapper, producer, and DJ based in the 402 - Omaha, Nebraska.
I love rap, funk, and R&B. I will bump any dope shit, but I especially love shit by Big Pun, Big L, Johnny “Guitar” Watson, Prince, Michael Jackson, Snoop Doggy Dogg, and Ghostface Killah."
Maybe he got beaten up at The Source Awards? Chris Rock alluded to that.
The Source was conceived by Jonathan Shecter, a Jewish DJ from Philly and my freshman roommate at Harvard, along with his friend, David Mays, a Jewish DJ from DC, who lived in the same dorm.
So which is it: Harvard or Princeton starting The Source? HA! Frankly I'd go with the Harvard Jew, for Nubians cannot really make up the whole readership and let's face it-hip hop magazines are infested with whiteboys who think they're someone else.
I checked the "About Me" on that site and it wasn't very clear. Here is the thing, though: I don't know too many people my age (and I'm upper 20s almost 30 -smile-)who still read it at least from the store or newstand. Maybe online. Two people who do are both WHITE. hehehe. I do read Vibe but that's usually in Borders from the shelf, and I admit I read then put it back. Trifling, I know, but I really don't like seeing endless urban clothing ads. Maybe if they did things about new sounds, struggling new artists, or more sophisticated topics? The target audience I perceive doesn't read magazines anyway, and those that do are likely more interested in the ones featuring my girl Megan Good featuring a thong and halter?
David Mays had an office right on campus and printed the newsletter that was the original The Source right in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
The magazine was practically conceived in my dorm room in 1987 and got off the ground a year later.
This is fact.
I had heard it was Hinds who published the magazine, too. Now we know different, I suppose. It's like who invented TV.
I'm a 100% Vibe fan. The Source is but it seems to be less journalistic than Vibe now--is that a controversial statement?
Happy Thanksgiving.
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