Don't let the image fool you--this is fantasy with a little bit of horror with a touch of the Dirty South, ca. 1933 (Charon, Mississippi...remember who Charon the boatman is in Greek mythology?) DC Comics' web comic arm, Zuda, recently posted this new work by Jeremy Love and Patrick Morgan (collectively, Gettosake Entertainment). View the work here. This is the wave of the future, and the shoehorn for new (and frankly better) talent to edge into notoriety. Bayou is amazing. Bayou is a long time coming, and I'm sure will jump to print very soon. I cannot think of a time when I used the adjectives dreamy, sweet, alluring, historical, fantastical, vivid, disturbing, prurient and terrifying all in one thought. Well...when you read this thing, absord the sequential art, you'll have some choice adjectives of your own. The narrative and dialog are sparse but that's a gem here. The pictures tell the story and story is of hatred and lynching and a little girl's quest to save her daddy. Trouble is, she must immerse herself in a netherworld of Br'er Rabbits and Crocodile men to do so. Not for anyone under 11-12 years old certainly, but then again this isn't as lurid/adult as the film Pan's Labryinth, which also featured a child. So fanboys and girls: check it out, enjoy. It's free, after all. Such is why the web sucks, hahahaha
THX for charing.
I am learning Flash, but other than doing animations I hate flash on the web!
I loved Pan's Labryinth CG, did you watch Tideland by Terry Gilliam?
Yes I have seen Tideland. I have been a fan of Terry Gilliam's since before many folk who read this blog were born (e.g. Monty Python's Flying Circus stuff).
My boyfriend is a fanboy AND a geek and he hadn't heard of Zuda Comics! I will have to revoke his G4 membership card!!
Very cool story. I wish DC would put this in stores. I will ot hold my breath for BET to make it into a movie. They are probably chasing Tyler Perry to do something bamma and animated!!
I've been following this comic for a while now. I learned about it at another blog (Cocoalounge), and have been telling others about it ever since.
I don't have much hope for BET, so I'm hoping HBO or maybe even SCI-Fi one day turns it into a series.
There are some good comics online. I was surprised.
Wow...thanks...I'm mesmerized.
How often does this comic update? I've searched the whole site and can't figure that info out.
Is there a new chapter each month?
I'm not sure as to the frequency of the updates. I discovered the Bayou site in June of this year, and it was up to over 100 pages by then. (I had a lot of reading to do to catch up.) I check the site every week or so. Updates tend to come 4 or 5 pages at at time.
I blame you for getting me hooked on Zuda Comics.
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