I'm way beyond the biting the hand that feeds me worry. HarperCollins announced today that it is publishing two books by Jurassic Park author Michael Crichton. He's dead, recall. They are dressing up two manuscripts found in a box, no doubt. One's about pirates in Jamaica. Yes, pirates. The other's "science fiction," coming out in late 2010.
No need to be creative, or develop anything new, okay? Sheesh...
I am a huge fan of Crichton's, but in a general sense and certainly philosophically, you are absolutely right.
He's a product, and they will exploit it from beyond the grave rather the groom the next generation.
There is hope in new talent, just read excert from Colson Whiteheads new novel Sag Harbour!
Colson used to live there with his parents Archie and Mary Ann (Sag Harbor) when he was a kid...and before he got artsy-fartsy lol.
Well this is sad. But remember, they do this all the time in the recording industry. How many new Tupac albums have there been since his death? I agree that they are products and will continue to be exploited.
Heck, they've been sellin Martin Lucifers Post-Mortem stuff for over 40 years now...
Shameless plug: I wrote about this trend in my column on Examiner.com.
I'm trying to physically hold my tongue about this practice, being an author myself.
i doubt they found anything, but i'm sure somebody is writing them as we speak. the man may die, but branding is forever.
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