A day late, a dollar and thousands of bodies short. The International Criminal Court will seek to charge President Omar Hassan al-Bashir of Sudan with genocide and crimes against humanity. It's the first time the court's gone after a sitting head of state. Check out the story here. Karl Rove, supposedly in retirement yet somehow still covered by executive privilege, is ringing Dubya now saying "Ya know, this might not be such a great precedent for you..."
No need to rehash what this guy did in Darfur, or the regime's rapine war in southern Sudan. It is yet another item Islam refuses to discuss. The key here is that I have no doubt our pals the Chinese will somehow rescue him or indirectly pressure the ICC. No doubt.
You may be right about the Chinese.
Well USA protected Sadam until ...
The problem is with Africans, we sit and see our mothers being butchered. I do not blame China, they are defending their interest [oil] as USA and UK is doing by TRASHING Zimbabweans.
Who should FIGHT for OUR interest BUT us?
And when will USA [you portrait yourselves as the RIGHTEOUS] will ask for J. Bush to be taken to Haia?
Islamic countries will try to stop the prosecution as well.
Hope not being pushy, did you saw Hancock?
Here a review by Biko Agozino,a Professor of Sociology at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine.
Why was Hancock persuaded to accept a prison term as the only way to win respect when it is easier to improve the image of anyone by sending him to the university? In the prison where black men were over-represented, Hancock had to prove his superpower status by pushing a man’s head up the ass of another man (a metaphor for male rape in prison), by dumbly saying ‘pass’ in the group therapy sessions, and by magically scoring baskets from incredible distance as if that was all black men could do in a world dominated by ideas of white supremacy.
Why was Hancock not given his own family or girlfriend in the movie instead of setting him up to appear as if he was after the white woman who was married to the white man who pretended to be his boss and who told him how to dress for work? He later claimed that the white woman kissed him after he had tucked her husband into bed as if he was the nanny or ‘manny’ but that was no kiss, it was a beating that he got from the white woman who simply told him that they were different because she was stronger, blah blah blah.
Finally, Hancock was persuaded to go to a different planet to avoid tempting the white woman who claimed to be his mystical wife as if getting rid of the black man was the only way to resolve the sexual desire of white women for the forbidden fruits of black masculinity. By some kind of coincidence, John Hancock was the name of one of the Founding Fathers of America who was a slave trader, tax dodger and smuggler.
Would like you to review this movie too.
There'sa great review of Hancock's "deeper" racial meanings on TheRoot.com
and scary thing, shit aint really even hit the fan yet - hyep it will get worse
Rove is bitch & so is al-Bashir, tony snow was a bitch & GWB is a bitch.
Opposite of al-Bashir, GWB should get a charge of aiding & abetting IMHO for doing nothing of substance.
Speaking of the Chinese, they just got busted for selling arms to Sudan POST-embargo.
Oh, in other news....they somehow had tons and tons (or tonnes and tonnes) of ivory conveniently stolen and sold. Hmmm, I wonder where they'll be going to get more.
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