Friday, April 30, 2010

Louisiana Oil Spill--look at the bright side

First, we're all getting more AMERICAN-born gasoline so we can sit in traffic on the Beltway as we drive to buy a carton of milk. At least we keep the road contractors busy.

Second, oil companies are good for the economy, and now can spend money like grains of sand to keep those damn treehuggers in line.

Third, I wish there's massive drilling off the Delaware coast, just like in the Gulf. The Nats dad has a house there where we all vacation, and black goo holds the sandcastles together better...even makes them waterproof!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Life Imitates Art: Adopted Kid returned to Russia, Movie "Orphan"

Read it here. The adopted went beserk, the mom sent him back. Remember the thriller "Orphan?" Gotta watch those Eastern European adoptions. Does the Russian Mafia run these transactions? That's the rumour.

I asked a friend about adopting any number of African American or Latino babies who live within a stone's throw of Nat's abode. She said there aren't a "number." Here we make it easy for any Precious or Juno to keep their babies no matter the cost to the teen mom's future or the kids' welfare. And speaking of welfare, ADFC costs. But the decision is, keep these babies with their baby-like moms, and push "marriage" to the low life or equally young sperm-provider as the solution to all social ills. The result? This surfiet of minority babies in the hood is just an urban legend. Hence, white folks who want a rug rat feel they must fly to China, Brazil know the rest of the story.

Friday, April 09, 2010

D.C. Metro: No Fare Hikes! Crash it, then a do-over as a Regional Authority

Metro's troubles are legend. Whether it's raising blood pressures, or murdering its passengers outright. Only hick tourists think it's wonderous, most feeding off the archaic notion that the negative benchmark is the NYC Subway. News flash--I'll take the unheated, uncooled, tiled tunnels and screech of the 1 and 9 lines in Brooklyn than the crap I've experienced since 1976. Perhaps it's yet another in the legion of metaphors for Washington as a orphan child of the republic since 1800, a prison to everything from parochialism to racism, as compared with the grand capitals of the rest of the world.

Just as Metro's Board considers yet more fare hikes, the notorious Red Line suffers another bit of drama today: a fire.

Fare hikes, a higher subsidy from Maryland, DC or newly Confederate Va. isn't going to work. The only answer is to start over, create a Regional Transportation Authority with an individual taxing functionality for a collection of counties and towns in the D-M-V. Bust up MARC and VRE and fold that in, just like the Port Authority of NY/NJ. The buses, too. All of them.

Of course that sounds like too much "change." Even wingnut McDonnell of Ol' Virginny needs some government largesse and fiefs to convey.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Wikileaks video. In Iraq, Truth dies

I'm a member of the National Press Club and saw the "reveal." Members were aghast but apparently that didn't trickle up to their bosses...

Monday, April 05, 2010

Sarah Palin Finds an Uncle Tom in Florida: Allen West

...and true to all Toms, he not only didn't know she'd endorsed him, but shined a hearty hidy-ho in thanks. As my grandfather used to say: "Christopher, even the Confederacy had its coons."

See it here, on the