Oh yeah, be patient...more posts, y'all. I have deadlines. I'm teaching. Get off my back. Stop the emails! I got the message. I didn't know I was missed!
Okay...so tomorrow it's OJ. No novelist could beat this stuff, on the heels of the Goldman family's perfidity.
Plus, I'll give you the reflection of Jena--when will young black men stop killing young black men? Also "Tall Tees" and the Thugocracy. And of course over the next month and a half: Peter Schmidt, author of Color and Money: How Rich White Kids Are Winning the War over College Affirmative Action (Hardcover). Just in time for college hunting and alumni interviews. Nathan McCall author of Makes Me Wanna Holler and the upcoming novel about gentrification and how coloredfolk and whitefolks are more alike then both would like to admit: Them. Stacey Patton, author of the memoir That Mean Old Yesterday And Tananarive Due, Steve Barnes and Blair Underwood, on the future of the Casanegra series and the interplay of books and film.
Baltimore Book Festival's coming 9/29-9/30, as well as The Congressional Black Caucus Legislative Weekend (Author Pavilion) 9/27-9/29. At the BFF on Sunday 9/30 I'll be moderating a discussion with Washington Post reporters Mike Fletcher and Kevin Merida on Supreme Discomfort: The Divided Soul of Clarence Thomas. I interviewed these fellows on this blog. If you're coming to the Festival, check out the interview and come armed with your questions...
Qui est the BFF?
Baltimore Book Festival=BFF
Yeah, I just got that. I was in a bit of a rush yesterday - thanks for the help!
Stop teasing and post something new!
The judge told the Goldmans to go to hell on the memmorabilia. Why anyone would want that stuf is beyond me. Perhaps the Juice was set up, perhaps not. All i can say is I'm with Sir Charles Barkley on this: I pissed off and sick of the Goldmans and OJ. Charles said at least the Brown Family has the class to keep a low profile on this mess.
Maybe OJ is getting what he should have gotten in the first place?
remember the old days when oj was chasing poor kuta kinte through the jungle or running through the airport.
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