So black people think
"whitefolks' scandals" are boring, eh? And authors and publishers spawn yawns? Unh-unh. Forget mega Attorney and Brothaman Willie Geary showing his true bamma roots by knocking up some Atlanta skeezer and paying her $28K in child support every month. Forget my favorite loony author and African American version of Sylvia Plath Terry MacMillan blowing up Karen Hunter as the sultana of sleaze and for ghettofying black literature. And I don't wanna hear another word about Kanye West, his mother and Dr. Jan Adams. No, all that is trivial compared to this stuff involving Rudy Giuliani , Fox News and Bernie Kerik. If you are a Republican, it's enough to make you want to be a Romney supporter, or pray John McCain reverts to his old self of the 2000 campaign. If you are a normal Amer
ican, it's enough to make you puke. If you are smart, it should make you shudder...

It lays bare to all but the most ignorant NASCAR Dad or insidiously corrupt pol that Fox News Network, it's Papa Roger Ailes and star scum Sean Hannity...and of course Big Papa Rupert Murdoch of News Corp....are Hell yes partisan tools, nee, manipulators who would make Josef Goebbels scratch his head and say "Day-um--how come I didn't think of that stuff?" ;-)
As you know, fallen-from-grace 9/11 mythic hero /former NYPD top cop Bernie Kerik's demise (bad mojo for Bush and Rudy G) has taken a tabloid turn. Yes he's on trial and disgraced and yes this fool could have been your and my Homeland Security Reichsfurher but for his corrupt streak. Severely under-reported on Fox. Better to pillory John Edwards' smarmy grin or quote Nas on the n-word or dig up Mike Nifong's corpse and show it. Oh but now my world, the book world, has injected itself. Remember Judith Regan--once the wonder woman of publishing celebrity memoirs ad other such crap--dumped by Rupert Murdoch over OJ's If I Did It (the same Murdoch who's companies make millions "reporting" on OJ, tabloid-style)? Hypocrisy ruled, as the book was ressurrected and turned into a cash cow for the Goldman Family (Nicole Brown's family was horrified). But that's another rant--check my Nat's old Posts, fanboys & girls.
Seems Judy might have some evidence showing that she was told by the poohbahs and News Corp., in league with Fox News, to keep her mouth shut regarding embarassing info about Bernie, and thus protect Rudy. Of course, wingnut Talk Radio and blog-trolls have battered fish to fry, like our glorious victories in Iraq, how to win a war wih Iran, or debunking global warming or predicting the Rapture. Accordingly folks--stick with Nat Turner for the real deal.
See, post 9/11 some rich clown donated use of an NYC apartment to the city, so relief workers and recovery volunteers clean up or rest after their horrific shifts at Ground Zero. Our patriot Bernie used it to bone a lot of women, including Judy Regan. Bernie was married at the time, of course. Regan dumped him when--get this--she found a note to yet another ho in the place (a city employee of course). Judy now alleges, with some proof, that Bernie then stalked her and members of her family. Hey, I did that crap after all of my break-ups. Shows Bernie's a normal man, and not just a Republican.
Speaking of Republicans, as we all know, the second biggest meglomaniacal fraud in politics behind Bill and Hillary Clinton, is Rudolph Giuliani.He is running for President, hoping to replace the THIRD biggest fraud, our current retard-in-chief George W. Bush. Concomittantly, GOP booster Rupert Murdoch owns News Corp. which owns Fox News. Fox is run by one Roger Ailes, a known pal of Rudy's (helped his mayoral campaign and, shades of Clarence Thomas and Rush Limbaugh, Rudy officiated Ailes' wedding). Sean Hannity is all up Rudy's butt on Fox; ironically the only person not biting cheese on this is O'Reilley. Murdoch's publications seem to declare Rudy the next Thomas Jefferson.
Along comes book diva Judy Regan. She's suing Murdoch for firing her over the OJ book. She now says "higher up" asked her to lie to the Feds about bone-fests with Kerik after Rudy convinced Dubya to nominate Bernie has Homeland Security chief. Judy spells out in her complaint that Murdoch, Ailes et al were out to watch Giuliani's back (and, of course, the Bush Administration).
I worked for the Justice Department for three years. My nephew is eight years old only knows of DOJ because his "Flat Stanley" visited the building. Yet it was he, not me, who said (likely from reading too many Marvel "civil war" comic book issues) "Uncle Chris, that's off-struction of justice when tell somebody to lie to the police!" This boy should be Attorney General, not Mukasey.
Judy claims to have evidence of this and hey, even if the Congress or a grand jury subpoenas her you won't hear of it on Fox. Hillary's too corrupt to use it as a weapon, and Barack's too much of a lightweight to run with it. My only hope is that my former hero John McCain will grow a pair and stop his pandering to the loonies and cudgel Rudy with it in the primaries. Or Mitt'll do it? Hey why not--Mormons can be big assholes. None of the other Democrat weenies are saying what needs to be said; they are biting around it like little mice. Shame on you Mrs. Pelosi. And you're a tough East Baltimore girl, supposedly. Your daddy Mayor Tommy D's rolling in his grave. Call your fellow goomba Rudy out and take a nice pee-pee on Murdoch and Ailes!
Ah well, stay tunedfanboys and girls. What could be next--Triple Crown publisher-author Teri Woods naming John Edwards as her baby daddy? Revelations that Barack ghost-wrote a "street lit" novel with C-Murder called The Gangsta Pussy Chronicles? Hey, it's "relevant and speaks to young hip readers," so maybe that's a positive campaign move. ;-) And you thought authors and publishing were boring? Thanks for raising our profile, Judy Regan!
Bravo! But don't hold your breath that anything will come of this unless Judith Regan has this stuff on tape. Otherwise you'll have to do it the old fahsioned and dangerous way: stake Giuliani, Murdoch and Ailes in their coffins!
Women always seem to be the key in unraveling what you fool men think is tight. We are the whistleblowers and the truth-sayers.
What disturbs me is this lurid marriage of the awful world of OJ books and celebrity publishing, with the awful world of Giuliani and Fox News. Have mercy...what child will be born of this?
I love how you were able to weave Terry McMillian, Karen Hunter, Sean Hannity, Roger Ailes, Fox News, Bernie, Judy, OJ, Teri Woods, all in one fantastic post.
As of today, Mitt is in the lead in Iowa, Rudy is 3rd. Huckabee is 2nd. On the dems side, Hillary, John and Barack are in a dead heat. You know Hillary who had a wide lead earlier, is salty.
WHen Keith Olbermann broke this last night, you could actually see the glint in his eye....LOL
When Dan Abrams took over, he was happy as a clam too.
This is frigging hilarious to me.
And, yeah, she knows who she's dealing with, so I totally believe she was taping.
Interestingly this story has been dumped within the "funny features" or celebrity gossip sections of my newspapers or newsprograms. Perhaps Barry Bonds is more newsworthy? I doubt it.
Judges Score On Rant...
10 for Style and Originality
5 for Relavance
Trying to make logical sense out of a bunch of taking tools... ooops I mean Fooles is a waste of your good time and energy
Time to make it relevant. Quite a reveal into the bullshit that is Rudy and Fox News. The issue as Nat Turner explained--with humor, rather than a rant--is that the average moron along with enablers like you, Anonymous (likely you're a big Hannity fan) are going to get sucked in by yet another snow job, with disaterous consequences for this nation and the world.
But never fear-- Iron Man is coming...
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