More from the bread & circus millieu. Oh and by the way, "bread & circus" refers to the Dancing with the Stars, NASCAR and E! of ancient Rome: as long as you kept the average schlub entertained and distracted with "bread & circus," he would wake up and realize the Empire was a sham, the debts and blood were adding up, the silly policies screwing people. Sound familiar? Worked well for a litte while but it didn't really help Rome in the long run(in the west at least, the Eastern/Byzantine Empire lasted until the 1400s--almost to the time of Columbus--and was talen over by...how prophetic...Islam, hence Constantinople becomes Istanbul...ain't history fun?).
Anyways, my point here is that celebs just think differently from we regular folk. Take Marcia Cross of Desperate Housewives. She takes nube photos then dumps them in the trash. Otto the garbageman finds them...boom...on the net and being displayed thusly by Nat Turner. Cross whines and hires shysters but in the end, any PR is good PR in this culture. This is one of the tamer ones. Notice other than Eve and her sex toy act, and Nicole Narain with Colin Farrell and his big real sex toy, you din't see too many black folks doing this. Like facial aging, I guess God gives us some little crumbs of advantage...
Between this nonsense and Tony Parker I have to threaten my wife with nonstop NFL to get her to switch it off! What is this affinity females have for this garbage?
Marcia Cross?! Has she not heard of a shredder?
I'm glad you minimized the photo. Idon't want to see an unkempt "bush" this early in the morning.
As long as there is TMZ and E!, there will be foolishness like this. However I believe Tony Parker is a cheater as I am sick of Eva being all over the place based on no talent. At least Tony can play!!!
NYC/Caribbean ragazza, I agree with you. Shred, tear it up, hide it. WTF? What is wrong with these people? Me, a normal person, I have never had an urge to take a naked photo of myself. Now, I am not saying that anything is wrong with that. But, if you are a fairly popular celebrity, why do that? She is stupid.
i could not have said it beter
I see you had to post my pic on your blog....
Well Marcia it seems you really ARE a redhead.
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