Is it the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow, wherein every one of us who attains some level of notoriety has to manifest an ego the size of one of Dick Cheney's 'roids to mentally compensate? Tavis, time to act more like a tan Edward R. Murrow than a skinny black Boss Hogg. This Obama thing is a joke. It will backfire on you, plus what price Hillary and Bill's support when a huge chunk of your people now think you are a baby? You are acting like a common huckster. The State of the Black Union happens every year, like Black Caucus, you take photo-ops, folks get to postering, nothing gets solved or even addressed. But you do sell more books and DVDs!
Come on bruh--wouldn't it have been great to see Michelle Obama and Hillary go at it? Talk about ratings and water-cooler skuttlebutt. Better than Dancing with The Stars or who clowned themselves on Flavor of Love 3!!! But nooooooo. Earth to all of you im-poh-nant black people, from pastors to activists (even you, Eddie Long and TD Jakes)--the time has passed when folk like Barack must come "pay homage" or kiss the rings of self-styled potentates and pooh-bahs. You should be out and lving lean: donating your honoraria millions or your untaxable tithes and rolling up your sleeves every damn dawn. Building, fixing, salving, educating, caring, exhorting, teaching hands-on. But hey, gotta have the show. The folks love the show. If problems were addressed, even solved, there'd be no show. And what good is that to you, Tavis?
The old folks will shake their heads and say Obama was wrong not to drp everything and rush to this thing. The younger people and folks in the know already understand how wrong Tavis is about this. I don't even think Tom Joyner's giving him much props on this position.
The State of the Black Union......hmm, lemme think about that. I'm guessing it's the same as it was last year. Same as the year before. Same as in 1990 and probably will be the same in 2018.
It's not Obama's no-show that's significant. It's the inability for ANY leaders to change the SOTBU that bothers me.
I suppose there is a another way of seeing this. I understand and appreciate that Obama is not a black leader. He is a politician who happens to be black. That's fine.
As a Democrat, he knows the importance of the black vote and that we are a constituency who wants to be heard and addressed. By him not attending this yearly gathering of black people can be viewed as him taking the Black vote for granted just like other Democrats.
Since he is running under the banner of change, why wouldn't he campaign just as hard for black votes as he does for Latinos and white women.
Besides what would be the harm of taking a side trip from Texas to NOLA. He doesn't have to give a speech. He just has to show his face in the place, shake a few hands and kiss a few babies.
What is his campaign saying by not even doing that?
I see your point, anonymous, but Michelle Obama is hardly a consolation prize. Tavis is a grandstander, and look at how no one cared much when the GOP candidates skipped his debate invitation four months ago and he threw another tantrum.
I don't think he's taking anything for granted. Maybe this is a real statement however. He's saying "I'm about real change, not endless meetings and panel discussions of famous black Americans."
I agree with Lisa above. I think the old bammas who love Bill Clinton and weren't going to vote for him anyway will be swayed, bit no one else. Look how the "plagiarism" thing backfired already.
I am fascinated by this internecine warfare over Barack Obama. Policy divisions should be the defining point of the debate, however it seems some African American leaders seem to have a personal problem with Obama rather than legitimate policy differences. Everyone wants to be a chief, no one wants to be an indian.
Don't out this on old folks.
he wants all the attention, so he is taking his ball and going home
Well said.
Anon. I don't think Barack is taking our votes for granted (like Billary did). He is in a tough primary battle and going to Tavis' event doesn't make sense.
I agree some older politicians are more concerned about perception and not reality. There is a sift in power going on and many of the old guard black leaders don't know how to process or deal with it.
This is going to be interesting. If Barack gets the nomination look for the hateration from certain "leaders" to get stronger. He will be damned for any decision he makes or doesn't make.
"The time has passed when folk like Barack must come "pay homage" or kiss the rings of self-styled potentates and pooh-bahs."
Mr. Chambers, you get genius props for that right there. Last year didn't all the pooh-bahs call on us to not wait for a grand black leader but to do stuff in our own neighborhoods? Well, Obama is not waiting for the grand black leaders. He's handling stuff in his "neighborhood".
You took the words right out of my mouth.
My sentiments exactly.
Excellent points. The State of the Black Union in my opinion is not a serious affair. Just like CBC weekend, it's a lot of Black folks profiling, trying to be important.
Obama needs to get votes, not waste time w/ Tavis and his foolishness.
Most of the Black folks who I know, don't participate in these things, but they vote, contribute money and are actual movers and shakers.
I think Obama's reaching them!
I think you're on the money with this one. It's the refusal of Michelle Obama that pisses me off. You think that Tavis would have turned down BILL CLINTON, if Hillary had decided to send him?
Why do I think the answer to that question is NO....he would have welcomed Bill with open arms.
Tavis is just wrong.
I respect those who come out and say that they're on the Clinton dole more than those who pretend to be neutral, yet continue to take swipes at Obama everychance they get.::::Tavis::::yeah, you::::
shame on you, Tavis... i don't like folk who try to steal the limelight... a shameless, self-promoting huckster...
I sure do hope Tavis reads this for another reality check for his out of control ego!
And I'm feeling a tinge of good old fashioned sexism in Tavis' refusal to allow Michelle to speak at the event.
Could be wrong but you never know.
i agree with you chris and the sexism issue raised by i am not star jones. i have missed readingr your blog. i will be back on the regular. enjoy.....
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