Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mitt Romney phoney "Misery Index" Attack on Barack Obama shows he's part of the Misery

This week, singer John Legend repeated his aim to donate his Bush Tax Cut millionaire's windfall to help offset cuts in the arts, and help Americans--especially African Americans--who are unemployed and facing eviction or foreclosure. Contrast this with this week’s other news: former Massachusetts governor and possible 2012 presidential aspirant Mitt Romney penned an op-ed in The Boston Herald purporting to offer a blueprint for "more jobs."

Governor Romney titled this piece “Obama Misery Index Hits All-time High” -- as if it were a real piece of objective reporting. Trouble is, the op-ed, its title and its economic blueprint, are all smoke. The “Obama Misery Index” is a fairy tale, invented by, well, Mitt Romney. Meanwhile, real people are suffering.

The smoke does carries the piquant taste of Mitt Romney’s wealth-enhancing plan. That is, continued wealth for commercial and investment bankers, hedge fund managers, greedy CEOs seeking any finance vehicle to give them a short term jump, former derivatives pushers and their trickle-down lenders. In other words, the folks who brought us the misery in the first place appear to be Romney's true constituents. No smoke there.
Concomitantly, fables like a “Misery Index” cloak such reality from average Americans, including the “Joe the Plumber” types who abandoned Romney in 2008 when he sought the Republican nomination against John McCain and who flock now to Tea Party activism (financed by the not-so-populist Koch Brothers).

Perhaps the only truth Romney engages in the op-ed is that the President “outsourced” the spadework of job-creating economic policy to former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D. Nevada) and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D. Ca.). Laying anything at Congress's doorstep invites pork and pandering, not policy. And indeed, I have long considered Barack Obama, like Jimmy Carter (target of the original “misery index” label in 1980, pinned by Ronald Reagan) a technocrat, a Spock, a wonk.

Yet from there, Mitt Romney’s "truth" becomes vapor.

Reduce ruinously high taxes on "employers," he says. Maybe with lower taxes, less regulation, jobs will return, even from overseas outsourcing? First, all, according to sources like the World Bank-IMF, the Tax Policy Center, Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development and our own Federal Reserve and U.S. Department of Commerce, American employers pay some the lowest, not highest payroll taxes (unemployment insurance, social security-related, etc.) in the industrialized world, and indeed nations with both higher payroll taxes on employers and taxes wealthy citizens now have:

· Higher living standards

· Lower consumer debt, lower crime, lower teen pregnancy and out of wedlock births, lower infant mortality, lower income inequality between among the rich, poor and middle class, lower healthcare costs, lower excessive CEO compensation

· Higher personal investment rates, home ownership rates; lower healthcare costs and income disparity—unlike the U.S. where despite the 2008-09 economic meltdown, the rich get richer the poor poorer, the middle class more burdened.

Mitt Romney doesn't discuss those ironies, of course. Nor would he bother touching this: the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that most U.S. and foreign corporations doing business in the U.S. pay almost no corporate income tax. This means that huge foreign corporations paid no federal income taxes measuring year 2005—before the Wall Street collapse— despite $372 billion in gross receipts. Most of the largest U.S. companies paid little or no federal income taxes despite $1.1 trillion in gross sales. Accordingly, when Mitt Romney claims that outsourcing jobs is a response to Obama’s “big government” and taxes on the rich, he’s fooling us. Coupled with this smokescreen is the fact that long before Barack Obama took office, the U.S. been effectively mortgaged itself to China, India, Europe and nations in the middle east; foreign governments and corporations now own trillions our foreign debt and assets.

Tea Party leaders and Republicans in general are still divided over giving Mitt Romney a pass for another blueprint—the very liberal 2005 Massachusetts healthcare reform package Romney himself created...and from which Barack Obama borrowed as a model for his own plan! Now Romney attacks "Obamacare" in the op-ed as contributing to “misery?” Frankly I thought it was a lack of affordable healthcare coverage that causes misery. Accordingly, is Mitt Romney embodying irony or hypocrisy in his op-ed? As with Wall Street, it would appear that Mitt Romney may consider patriotism is a virtue until it interferes with making money. But it's not merely the millionaire’s and Wall Street welfare system-- rejected by folk like John Legend—that's disturbing. What’s also nettlesome is Mitt Romney trying to hide the real reason's why he's invented a “Misery Index.”

In case you slept through the first part of this essay, I'll make it clear: he’s part of the misery. His personal net worth was $250 million when he surrendered the GOP nomination to John McCain—including holdings in foreign export credit corporations and bank stock. Of course, in the op-ed he trumpets his private sector experience in "creating jobs." That experience accrued mainly through his association with Bain & Co., an investment and venture capital business with tax-free fund holdings in Bermuda and the Cayman Islands, and has raided and bankrupted big companies like Staples and Kay Bee Toys. Jobs, pensions, health insurance—all gone.

Back in 2008 (after the Florida Republican primary), a black conservative friend (I will have to keep the name close to the vest) lamented Mitt Romney’s crash and burn. I chuckled and said that it had nothing to do with conservatives doubting his bona fides in favor of Mike Huckabee or vacuous rock stars like Fred Thompson or Rudy Giuilani. Rather, I mused, “Romney reminds people of ‘Lumberg’ in the movie Office Space. He’s a smarmy white boss who lays you off then takes his own golden parachute to do the same at some other place.”

No number of op-eds decrying Obama’s 2009’s Stimulus package, or “Obamacare” or extolling tax cuts, cuts in social services, destroying regulating worker safety, consumer protection, regulating banks and wall Street and CEO pay, or exhorting an end to affirmative action, gun control, abortion and birth control, etc. etc. can create a true Misery Index, or dispel what I can call “The Romney Smoke.” As rich as John Legend might be, he’ll always seem more one of “us”—we average Americans demanding jobs and economic justice--than Mitt Romney.


msladyDeborah said...

The content of this post is good food for thought.

Joshua said...

Hi Chris,

Saw you on RT the other day talking about how bad all the other news channels are, but how the Kremlin propaganda outlet RT is just wonderful. Wake up! You are currently acting as a mercenary in a propaganda war by an unfriendly foreign power against your own people. Come to your senses and tell them to go screw themselves and keep their 30 pieces of silver. Be a man! Clear your conscience!

Knute Rife said...

Mittens is being a fake? I'm shocked, SHOCKED!

RT is propaganda? As opposed to whatever you're hooked into? Wow. Just wow.

Road Dog said...

Right on Chris! All was well said. But if this clown is who we have to face down in 2012, hopefully, it will be a cakewalk. Good for John Legend! More musicians who have the means should do the same. A much better way to have folks hear your stuff than conventional advertisement, plus it helps keep art in the world. I was not familiar, did a couple of clicks, now I'm a fan. Keep it up, man. said...

Goodness, there is really much worthwhile data in this post!

GameforYou said...
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GameforYou said...

Romney is clearly a trick by the Tea Party to get lunatic-left d-crat socialist heads to explode when they try to decide which they love more, ROMENYCARE or OBOZOCARE.

So to get even with the Tea Party, the lunatic-left produced their own trick, donald trump - so the Tea Partiers would support this phony - who's a d-crat socialist-backing, obozocare-supporting, auto-company-bailout supporting.egomaniac, hussein-level-narcissist and abortionist - instead of supporting a real, honest, conservative who could help TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY from the d-crat socialists.

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This is a reelection campaign and at US taxpayers expense. This phony 'engage with the voters' crap will do nothing to improve the jobless situation which stands at close to 25% when you consider all those who have run out of unemployment benefits and have joined the welfare rolls. Nor will it improve not even in the slightest way 'anything' of benefit to Americans. Obviously a president has a need to specialized transportation no matter how much I and many others may dislike him and it should be provided for him, but if he is abusing his privilege by using it for personal reelection purposes, as he is, then the democrat party should pay all the costs, not the taxpayers. Notwithstanding, the security costs are to be borne by the taxpayers, it's their duty to do so for 'any' president, but not the luxury items such as this elaborate motor home, nor any accommodations, travel expenses of any sort, etc, if the president is not on official Presidential business. And he is NOT!

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Anonymous said...

Wow, good hit-piece you got here, Chris. Took that "Misery Index" crap and shoved it deep in Romney's butt. I mean, how dare Mitt attack Obama while, unwittingly, making it fair game for bloggers like yourself to delve into and expose Mitt's mischievous business practices.

Never mind Obama's failed Stimulus package which was engineered to rip the head off that 9.1 unemployment rate. We forgive him. He inherited an economic tsunami. And that Solyndra collapse ----- how dare we mention it! Be glad "he tried" than being angry we lost 700 millions in that sucker. Yes, tax-payers' money!

Mitt would do a disservice to make those a campaign issue. We expect the voters to be intently focused on Mitt's deep pocket, not his business acumen to create jobs, which is solely lacking in leadership from the White House.

This Election will put greater emphasis on the carnage Mitt left in his wake and the pushing of less regulation, bigger profits for the fat cats of Wall Street. We frame it that way, it gives Obama a better chance to defeat Mitt Romney.

No mention of Fast and Furious....and not a word on his backdoor, Constitution-bending to push for amnesty for 11- 30 million illegal aliens. We know its an invasion but let's keep that quite because we need those "votes" as America is waking up from their disillusionment, false Change We Can Believe In.

We need to Believe In America, just like Romney' campaign slogan. And as a BLACK MAN, I'm voting for Mitt Romney!

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Cheese Lands had risen to 20 guineas (about £2,300 as of 2012), and a huge quantity of food was distributed each year.[12][13][note 2] By this time as well as the dole of bread, cheese and beer, hard bread rolls known as "Biddenden cakes", moulded into an image of the sisters, were thrown to crowds from the church roof.[5][12] The Biddenden cakes were flat, hard and made of flour and water,[5] and were described as "not by any means tempting";[14] one writer in 1860 described one as "a biscuit plaque".
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