“There were some women who pushed for sex and sometimes, they won,” he confesses. “Afterward, I would feel unclean, like I’d compromised my own values… so I had to let them go.
If they’re using dry paper, they aren’t washing all of themselves. It’s just unclean. So if I go inside a woman’s house and see the toilet paper there, I’ll explain this. And if she doesn’t make the adjustment to baby wipes, I’ll know she’s not completely clean."
Give me a damn break! WTF?!
Yeah, Howards been saying some stoopid shit for a while now...I had to put him on my "pay no mind" list.
OK, but who's the female? Not his wife (a plain jane white chick)
Uh huh.
I seriously doubt that many sistas are losing sleep over him or those comments.
You see, we've already viewed that nude (frontal) photo of him circling the Web.
Um, bruh please! LOL
What did that mean?
Umm, I was a Terrence Howard fan, but sometimes as actors become more and more popular they begin to say and do very strange things. Terrence is a great example. Some of these comments (and there have been plenty) are straight up weird. Looks like he is dealing with some serious demons. But a disturbed actor = good actor? :-)
When I heard about that interview in Elle I had to shake my head. Terrence has been trippin for years. He has some issues.
Not all actors are crazy, maybe only 90%. I kid.
i just interviewed dude for an upcoming "uptown" magazine spread. seriously, dude is a trip and a half. like children, actors are best seen, but not heard...at least, outside of their movies.
Wow he needs professional help. Oh yeah and he is weird.
Are you F**kin kiidding me!
His "values" include a wet wiped vagina when he commits sodomy and premarital sex? For real, is that a value? He is so deep.
He dated Naomi Campbell for a while, so I guess we can deduce that she has a big pack of baby wipes under her sink ;-)
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