Gas prices will mysteriously drop. Threats and great feats of patriotism to vanquish them will arise. Hey, why have an "October Surprise" when you can do it in the summer? As context, check out Dreyfus's blog piece in The Nation. I don't think we'll got to war with Iran, either. Bigger fish to fry out there, like fixing broke shit at home. Ultimately, we have to parse the rightwing paradox which refutes the GOP and Bush notion that "the terrorists [and who the hell are they?] want Obama to win. In order for Taliban, al Qaida, dickheads in Pakistan, mullahs in Iran, Hammas, Hezbollah, the Republican Party, Fox News, Glenn Beck, about 90% of the bloggers on Pajamas Media to have any purpose at all or reason to exist, there must be a counterveiling threat (real or invented, perceived or concrete). Ergo, the "terrorists" would want McCain, or another Bush/Cheney. Moderate Arabs, regular street folk in Islam love Barack precisely because he's not out here rattling sabers or dragging his knuckles or waving cross. Indeed, look at the contrapostive: China or Russia, India likes it when we are distracted and bankrupting ourselves and outsourcing. Israel--Lord, don't get started. The EU (yes, even Merkel and Sarko-tool), while bemoaning our cowboy and robber barron economy and sick disregard for the welfare of common citizens and consumers, loves to have Dubya as cartoonish foil. And what about North Korea? Hmm...
So here's my one little snipe at Dreyfus, and perhaps a novel extension of the Wag the Dog theory. Iran's doing this on purpose to provoke, all right--because they do want to influence our election. But not for the candidate Fox News would have to think...
Makes sense. We tend to think of all these weirdos out there like the Ringo Starr lookalike who's president of Iran as representing some evil monolithic force like in Star Wars. No competing interesting inside and certainly not acting rationally. if that were the case wouldn't we be at war with North Korea? No, because the iranians see that missles deter the US, and North korea's protected by the Chinese and Russian who are our "friends" now.
They only person I can't see your paradigm working against is Chavez. He's like the Joker in the Dark Knight.
PS- am awaiting The Darker Mask!
Funny how you [from the USA] play victimization.
World Bank:
China laying key foundation for Africa growth
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