Go see this movie. Mrs. Nat Turner and I went to see this and it freaked us th

Speaking of monsters, check out Publishers Weekly, 12/31/07. Listing the dozens of books that won critical, reader and peer awards in 07, major and minor, how many were by black authors? More specifically--how many were by black American authors? Count on half of one hand. Travesty...travesty that there's a bloc of us who refuse to aspire for more, as writers, readers, agents, publishers. Oh let's not forget the publishing houses. Then again, I think the monster took a big squat on midtown so at least in JJ Abrams's world we can start all over again. Thanks, Clove. If you come down to DC, I'll point out the places to flatten.
My brother saw it tonight and is so geeked on this damn movie he was giddy like a girl!
Of course he said there was hardly any people of color in the movie. If it's supposed to verite, wouldn't have black people, asians and Puerto Ricans in a city of 8 million people? Maybe not, because this was Manhattan, where regular people can't afford to live!
Why is it that the only black folk in Cloverfield are the ones looting the electronics store?
^um... the main chick in the movie is black
joseph's girlfriend...
she's black
I am, er...mature enough to recall drive in dates on humid nights, showing Godzilla movies. Naturally we would bring coolers full of beer and frankly there was much kissing and fumbling (from the boys). It was easy to let your teenage appetites get the best of you because the movies were indeed campy. I doubt this movie is of drive in quality as it looks too "real." I'll wait for my nephew or daughter to rent the DVD!
Okay, so one of main characters was black -- that is correct. However, the only other black person with a speaking part was the guy on the roof (nice suit, tight 'fro). When the monster first starts wreaking havoc he is up on the roof of the building with them, and he says - "there go Cloverfield right there! Dayum!"
OMG! There go Cloverfield right there?! You are evil whoever you are!
I saw that PW review. Indeed a travesty on both sides (I refuse to let "the business" off the hook, Chris, but yes--we do bear some responsibility as writers, as do the fans).
OMG, Cloverfield was the worst movie released since Poetic Jutice. I am still waiting for a refund!!! The previews looked so good, talk about bait n switch.
I did peep out that looting piece and was like WTF, but the I remembered that non Whites started it.
What was up with the camcorder with the battery that never died and did they every change the tape.
I will have to check this movie out...
Have a blessed New Year!!
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