Dispatch from the cloudy muggy beaches of Delaware--
Guess the notion of Barack was too much for the pre-Whoville epiphany Grinch-sized ticker of his to take? Well, any white person who sees that as anything more than an elderly man sadly succumbing to the fate awaiting all humans is as twisted a cracker scumbag as he was. Oh, and that includes Michael Jordan. Michael you will roast in the same coals as your boy Jesse for what you did to Harvey Gantt...
Yes, I remember it well on TV. Mike said "Republicans wear my shoes, too" and promptly rejected any help for Gantt, who was making history long before Obama by running against Helms.
Michael makes Charles Barkley look like George Washington!
Now I have to back to cutting veggies and marinading ribs or my family will revolt like it is 1776!!
I posted about Helms over at daddyBstrong.blospot.com. What a racist, mean-spirited man. Here's a news service said he did to former Sen. Carol Mosley-Braun:
"Soon after the Senate vote on the Confederate flag insignia, Sen. Jesse Helms (R.-N.C.) ran into Mosely-Braun in a Capitol elevator. Helms turned to his friend, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R.-Utah), and said, "Watch me make her cry. I'm going to make her cry. I'm going to sing 'Dixie' until she cries." He then proceeded to sing the song about "the good life" during slavery to Mosely-Braun.
-- (Gannett News Service, 9/2/93; Time, 8/16/93).
"Sometimes dead is better."
--Stephen King, Pet Sematary
As a memorial for the late senator, could we could have a reprise of the funeral of Ol' Captain Cotchipee from Purlie Victorious?
What a gift to America. That that evil old racist is now burning in hell.
I remember Michael Jordan's sellout moment as well. As if being a Knicks fan wasn't enough of a reason to hate his guts.
Jesse Helms was one of those characters that make me pissed at my own party. Republicans seem to enjoy reminding folks that it was the Democrats that tried to block civil rights legislation in the 1960's. Well, those Democrats became Republicans, with the douche bag from West Virginia a notable exception. The media doesn't say anything about this, nor does the Democratic Party. Sad. All we get from the AP story on Helms is: "As a politician, Helms never lost a race for the Senate -- but never won by much, either. He won the 1972 election after switching parties...." Oh well, I'm firmly a "betrayed Republican."
Jesse...one of the MANY reasons I hate North Carolina. But he was the True America. He publically,successfully and unabashedly tapped into the irrational, uninformed anxiety and fear that will destroy this country: race and class.
I liked the way he talked. Like "Dewey Cox" in Walk Hard!
Chris, why did you waste your time as well as mine in writing about Helms? He's not even worthy of blogging about.
Read the comments on WaPo to see what people thought of him. Satan's smiling wider than we are.
cant belivel he finally died
Is it wrong for me to say good riddance and I hope he burns in hell?
I have created a fitting memorial. See http://notionscapital.wordpress.com/2008/07/05/jesse-helms/
no it isn't wrong to be glad he's dead, why should are thoughts and notions about a person change when their six feet deep? Respect for the dead person, when you didn't respect him alive, is cowardice.
I never understood why Jordan said that. If he wasn't going to endorse Gantt just stay out of it. ugh.
BigSmitty: You're right. Jordan sold out the black community to stay connected to power in North Carolina. And Gantt's people basically begged Michael for his support. I still thing he was one of the greatest NBA players, but I lost all respect for him as a person.
SoCal 82Tiger Says
If fair is fair I hope to read you're just as harsh in your critique of The Honorable Robert Bird when he departs this world!
As to Sir Charles and MJ’s actions (or misdeeds if I hear you correctly) rise to the sins of Helms I say, HUH???
It's sounds like that other troubling word "SELLOUT" seems to have reared it's ugly head...
Some day while chatting over a nice bourbon you'll have to explain why having an opinion not in line with the masses (regardless of what mass we talk about) is sooooo despised. Is having your own opinion ok only when it agrees with everyone elses?
i thought he was already dead.
i was going to blog about him, but then i remembered what my momma taught me, "if you can't say anything nice about a person..."
re: MJ's refusal to support Gannt... big deal! yeah, he was a basketball god, but to my way of thinking, his sphere of influence didn't hold much sway in the area of national politics.
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