Maybe if you and girl-wife Portia adopted a meth or crack baby and the baby died, I could see why you'd be in such anguish. Or maybe if you attempted to get the GOP to stop attacking gay marriage and Dick Cheney decided to lie about his daughter...yeah, some tears of rage'd be appropriate. But enough about this stupid dog! Kids, this is NOT akin to the Vick stuff. What happened to those dogs, when coupled the usual attendant crimes like racketeering, drugs, murder, etc, is a major crime and Vick's paying the price thusly. But in this Ellen crap we see intersection of false news-a-tainment, hype, distraction from the critical issues facing our communities and are families, and a disturbing condition whereby the white housewife audience--yeah, I "played the race card" as this type of nonsense appears aimed at this demo-- seems to care more about pets then fellow humans. Watch for other moronic celebs to cry on camera over furry creatures. Ratings uber alles. Jesus...
Chris you are so right about this. I watched NBC Nightly News go on and on about this nonsense and I could not believe it! First of all -- so what? She broke the rules and the organization took the dog back. She broke the rules!! Celebrity or not, she should be held accountable. Second of all, did we have to see such an inane display of emotion about this? It is not like they killed the damn dog. Can't those folks go down to whatever organization it is and re-adopt the dog? Give me a break. I love animals too, but this was really, really stupid.
This is my first time visiting your blog. I have met you before in the DC area and I am a big fan. You are old and mean, and yes -- you do catch the flirts!! Must be that razor sharp wit tinged with cynicism?
THANK YOU!! I couldn't have said it better myself!
Is this how craven the media has become? I just saw an extended story on Louis Farrakhan's speech in Atlanta. There was no crowd! There are more people at a Hawks's game on any given evening! These conservatives who say the media is liberal-biased, and Hollywood's out of step with America, are crazy. The media and Hollywood are totally in step with how stupid we've become!
People are picketing these folks' boutique, and calling threatening arson. WTF?
"White people care about dogs and yoga" - Common
I am white and I think this is ridiculous, too.
welcome to amerikkka home of the slave land of the greedy
Until I read your blog I didn't know about this. To tell you the truth I don't want to know anymore about this.
I'm not a pet person.
I gave at the office understanding their 'outrage' about Michael Vick.
I'm not understanding this stupid pet stuff anymore.
Chris, you are an insensitive man. I am going to provide a link:
That's where I volunteer - and donate money as well. I expect you to make a tax-deductible contribution before the end of the year. >:-(
Ellen must have a new book or movie coming out in the next few weeks... this whole puppy episode was nothing more than a publicity stunt.
who the f**k gets that upset over a stinkin' stray dog?
I AM a pet person.
And I will chuck a shoe at my cats in a heartbeat ~ tough love.
I saw Ellen crying. Good Lord I thought Portia had died!
The phrase "white folks" went through my head.
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