Perhaps it's time to get this dude over here across the Pond and unleash him on some folks. Here's the comics: as if our suffering under wingnut pundits rampaging on Fox et al isn't cartoonish enough, Uber Coon Bob Johnson and some heavy Hillary financiers have extorted Nancy Pelosi (and indirectly Howard Dean) stating that if she doesn't straighten up, no more $$$ for Democrat House races. Bawlamer princess Nancy just stated that superdelegates should try to stay true to what their state primary and caucus voters decided. Period. There's no evidence she's a an Obamite. Indeed, I don't know what ol' broad's thinking half the time. Damn. The GOP does it right. No superdelegates. Theirs are in the private sector hahaha. And only arrogant Democrats would publicly send something like this to the Speaker of the House. Lawd. Who's scripting this--Paul Mooney? When I was a kid there was a ribald sitcom on ABC called "Soap" (with Billy Crystal...and sadly it begat "Benson"). I used to laugh my ass off even though I didn't understand most of it. 2008 has become Soap, and America is now a giant snicker. Well, check out the smirk on homeboy "V"'s face. That's the kind of mirth we need now. Per Reuters:
The signees reminded the House leader from California of their support for the party's House campaign committee and said "therefore" she should "reflect in your comments a more open view" about superdelegates."We appreciate your activities in support of the Democratic Party and your leadership role in the party and hope you will be responsive to some of your major enthusiastic supporters," the letter said.The Obama campaign said the Illinois senator would support the election efforts of House Democrats no matter what the outcome of the nomination fight."This letter is inappropriate and we hope the Clinton campaign will reject the insinuation contained in it," Obama spokesman Bill Burton said.
When I saw that image you linked to, I thought you were writing about these folks:
Boy you ARE old.
V would not solve anything. There are just plain too many fools to kill. Once he exhausted himself on Bush, Cheney, Roger Ailes, Hannity, Limbaugh then he'd have to take Bahamas cruise to relax before he'd be able to slice up Bob Johnson and Barbara Streisand.
PS My girlfriend said Obama was on your favorite show, "The View." She said Elizabeth Hasselback was apoplectic. Obama calmly shut the dumb bitch up. Yes there are many of we so-called angry white males who indeed think Elizabeth Hasselback is a dumb bitch. Sue me.
Is this letter for real? Seriously? This is surreal. I expect this sort of thing from the Bill O'Reilley people, but you'd think these types would show a little more respect? Restraint?
Brother Chambers, you think the Democrats will knuckle under because of monetary threats...wait until the threats of mass exodus from the party due to any wrong-doings. What happened to one man- one vote. I remember in high school the concept of superdelegates and electorial college was briefed over. This 'hold-card' was a mysterious entity. Benson? Very mixed feelings. Rare to see someone like me....The lesson I recieved was to 'keep on apushing'. Brother Curtis Mayfield. Soaps was WAYYY before its time. Funny how life- if we live so long- continues to recycle.
Your comment about Republican "superdelegates" being in the private sector (and shadowy) is accurate. But again at least the Great White Fathers of the Grand Old Party were slick enough not to adopt such outward foolishness as the Democrats. This kind of thing as with Bob Johnson would have been resolved in a hunting lodge sponsored by some giant Baptist Church and an oil company LOL
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UBER COON now that is classic
and now for a totally inane comment: I love me some Soap. It was a brilliant show and WAY ahead of its time. Do you remember the Benson episode where Benson got a robot? It was brilliant.
Entertaining as usual. A few decent points. I am a McCain voter but I follow the dramatics!
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