Bill Rhoden coined the term in his book. Hurray for Derrick Rose and OJ Mayo. Hurray for the kids who jumped to the pros after centuries of black folks literally dying to get any education, college or otherwise. Hurray for the 19 year olds who think they are stellar and man enough to play in the NBA. Hurray for the massas, Jew and Gentile alike, who with greta moral strength said no, we can't have these nigger boys jump straight from high school. And huzzah for them for no taking the NFL or Major League Baseball as guides. Don't listen to sports writers like Vito Forlenza. Hurray for cars, bling and bitches, and new houses for mama & Uncle Pete. Photos shoots with white girl models & sex tapes with white sluts.
Huzzahs for the folk who say, but these young bucks are realizing their dreams, providing for families (and posses, boyz, baby mamas, vampiric white agents...oops sorry for the elitist bourgie cynism)...what choice do they have? Won't they be rich? As compared to whom...the white men who own teams, arenas, cableTV concessions? Who get their JDs, MBAs, CPA ratings, broker/dealer licenses, etc. who preserve the wealth? Oh no. Hoop dreams. A slave coffle in Everett Hall suits and Stacey Adams gators... with dangled shoe contracts from when they 16 years old. Ah yes, like Kunta Kinte in Annapolis...
Chris, I get what you're saying and all but isn't the whole white/black/slave thing taking it a bit far?
I don't think he's taking it far at all. My younger brother is enthralled by this stuff as well as his frends. They are more focused on this than they are the summer school classes they are taking to make their lives better. I see nothingbut white men and thier black "drivers" who traditionally were slaves themselves, orchestrating this, and I have William Rhoden's book.
Very interesting post. I have linked to this at The DC Feed.
I don't agree with everything in here but the sentiments need to be talked about.
I don't see it. All of these collegiate players were blessed with a physical gift they decided to leverage. Yes, it is unfortunate that the NCAA does not allow these atheletes to get paid for the free marketing and advertising they provide, but given the set up, all of them have the choice to either take full advantage of their educational opportunity, or bounce. It's not a hard sell for ANYONE to have the option of making $0 per year (supposedly) or $3,000,000 per year. That's a lot of difference in zeros right there.
The owners of these teams DID get their cash the old fashioned way, they stole it in one way, shape or form. Its up to the now wealthy athelete to either spend the money bonanza on bling and ho's or leverage it into something greater.
Nobody's forcing these atheletes to do a damn thing. Their opportunities to do a plethora of different things are right there, its more about the choices they decide to make.
You make a really good point that often goes unnoticed. On draft day, we have 2 rounds, with 30 some odd teams, so less that 70 players get "picked".
We hear the figures, 10 mil, 3 mil, 1 mil. After taxes, agent, baby mama's, uncles, posses and general ignorance the money is gone in a flash. Most don't realize how short the careers are for the majority of these players...and how many of them end up flat broke in a few short years.
While the owners, with their educations, cpa's, jd's and other pedigress build wealth that lasts generations.
Ostriches, lots of them.
Sexual Morality, Black Male Abandonment, and Stable Households by Rudolph Lewis [Chickenbones]
Does anyone have the info on how many white players leave college early to go to the NBA vs. black players that leave early?
Exquisitely Black: You said, "baby mama's, uncles, posses and general ignorance the money is gone in a flash". I feel you've pretty much summed up the problem of why some of these people do not have long term wealth.
The owners have a larger obligation to ensure proper 'life' training help make these young men responsible. But it's not all on their shoulders. These men need to step up.
SoCal 82Tiger Says:
Isn't this discussion a bit trite & dated?
SI already observed that the drafting of players from Europe is the rage, and these kids are now seen as the NBA's new players of choice -
In addition I also hear the ESPN geeks on Radio & TV referring to Eastern Europe as the NBA's new "inner city" recruiting ground - So we're treated to stories of talent-rich poor white Eastern European kids spending all their time polishing their skills and learning to win playing "team" ball.
Are these new kids any more prepared with life skills? That question is still open to discussion, but looking at the rosters of many NBA teams... American kids (regardless of color) could become the NBA's minority players in the next decade.
I love your the way you up it. I have always loved sports but loathed the black athelet chasing white women and buying rims.
You are not taking it too far, it needs to be taking farther than this in our community so we can do better
OOPS!! it is in too rough language but still true. It is a fact which can not be ignored.
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