I'd posited the comment 'round the net and among friends, colleagues (borrowing from Chris Rock) that whilst black people are scratching their heads--even outraged--by the R Kelly verdict, niggahs are jumping for joy. White folks are, too. Quietly.
Poor, poor black people in Chicago. Your boy's running for president and subject to a coordinated denigration campaign, and Fr. Tim Phleger's removed from the largest, oldest and most loyal black Catholic church in the city, St. Sabina (after Poles, Irish Italians et al abandoned many parishes). Yes, Tim's white, and he spoke truth on whites and power. Not good to do even though this is the 21st Century. Niggahs certainly don't care about that, and white folks are feelng that goodness and righteousness was vindicated. (n.b. I met Fr. Tim through my ex-mother in law and he's a wonderful priest who, unlike the cardinal, cares about his flock). YET Mr. Kelly gets major counts against him dismissed based on uncooperative witnesses and shoddy investigatory protocols and clowning in Cook Co DA's office...now's acquitted of the lesser charges.
But think on this. People like Barack...and white people like Phleger...upset the applecart. I don't need to go into any more detail than that; those you who don't have your heads up your coo-looes know what I mean. The natural order. R Kelly, well, he makes $$$ for Mr. Charlie. He keeps niggahs entertained and dancing. And best of all he's a convenient prop-bogeyman who doesn't need to be paraded around. You just know he's there, hidin' in da closet. Being nasty, carnal, crazy looking. And aren't they all like that Missy Anne says to Mr. Charlie? Especially the ones with money. Fame. Jay-Z? oh let our kids listen to him. And yo, son...we younger whitefolks talk like niggahs, dress so, act "black." Yeah thats my swag...and I'll have our black friends who make me seem cool--and I know they can't compete with me at work, school, so no harm. Now if Obama was more like Jay-Z, he'd be cool. As long as he wasn't trying to be my boss, or my president. Ironic, isn't it? Rappers, hip hop moguls, ballers, singers, comedians--hell even criminals--as harmless?! Hey even Jay Z is a small planetoid in the entertainment-telecom ownership universe. Just feeding stereotypes, keeping the world in balance. Keeping the applecart just the way it is. A gift that keeps on giving. Please--give him a guest pundit spot on Fox...
Sadly true!
Unreal. I have a list of eight people who've seen him go to McDonalds on the South Side and pick up girls. No lie. The community reaps what it sows, as you often rant. This time it is accurate. I also understand why he'd be so useless as a stand-off symbol for white people. At my job the smarmy white boys would much rather gravitate to somebody like him than a man like Obama!
lock-up your daughters...right now!
Beautiful article!
... SAD he walked FREE.
In the Afro-american communities BAD underground culture [pimping, ect..] take over ...
I believe HE among OTHERS will be used by those CRASS conservative watchDOG, he serves them GOOD.
But the REALLY SAD reality IS how CREATIVE Afro-Americans or Africans are MOSTLY supported by Europeans or Euro-Americans [YES!, I cannot stand Black/White]
Along with CREATIVE Afro-American minds ...
By the way, I am done with novels, this is a book I am eager to get, beside technical books [the only ones I seek NOW] amazon LINK -- http://www.amazon.com/Power-Stronger-Than-Itself-Experimental/dp/0226476952 -- A Power Stronger Than Itself: The AACM and American Experimental Music (Hardcover) by George E. Lewis [wiki] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Lewis_(trombonist)
Even Jay Z is small planetoid? Come on man!!! Don't be such a hater
The pathetic thing is that a cartoon. A frigging cartoon predicted this. It's just digusting. You are right, but that doesn't make me any less pissed, because it just validates the dengration of young Black girls. You'll never convince me that if he had just picked up ONE little White girl, his butt wouldn't be under the jail. He picks the perfect victims, because who actually cares about young Black girls? Not this society. Now, he's free to prey on some more.
But do those victims care enough about themselves to stand up and testify? Apparently not. Most of them consider it an honor to be used by Kelly.
anon at 9:27 R. Kelly is careful who he preys on. He made a major misstep with Ayliah. If he had "married" her now with all the YouTube, blogs, etc. it would have been a bigger scandal. Instead it was only whispered about.
The man needs some serious help as do the people who see nothing wrong with his actions. Rikyrah is right.
SoCal 82 Tiger says:
So what’s new here Professor? I say a great big NUTTIN!
Mr. Lowe did the same thing on video and wasn't charged! Even before him what about Jerry Lee Lewis, Errol Flynn or even Fatty Arbuckle?
Mr. Kelly getting off is not about race it's about artist/businessmen/ or politicos who make green. It doesn't hurt when many are also good looking. If Clinton looked like the old, fat, and overweight men serving Congress there’s no doubt in my mind he would have gone down (no pun) over Lewinsky matter and probably wouldn’t have politically survived all his other earlier discretions. We want villains to be villainous and to condemn scummy sleazy people who LOOK like sleazy scummy people!!!
“Good – Earners” often get a pass on sexual misadventures just like the Jack Abbott’s who earn a pass on a murder rap thanks to the world’s Mailer’s who obfuscate and equivocate about their misdeeds. Oh BTW it doesn’t help when under-age “girls” on film look and act like trollops and are not behaving like “the doe-eyed innocents” we idealize our young ladies to be!
Seems to me R Kelly’s getting off speaks just as much to how conflicted people are about the teen’s sexual behavior as well as his. Hell, we rail and preach just say no against underage sex and yet turn a blind eye too it when it goes on in our houses… We scream and rant when male teachers or coaches sleep with female students, yet smugly smile and wink to ourselves when the teacher or coach is a female and the “victim” is a male.
Think outside your box Professor you’re sharp enough to know its not just about black, brown, yellow, red, or white….
That photos is off the hook funny!
Please one more post about that.I wonder how you got so good. This is really a fascinating blog, lots of stuff that I can get into. One thing I just want to say is that your Blog is so perfect
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