Jerry Rodriguez...award-winning indie filmmaker, Brookyn in his blood, Puerto Rico in his soul. Fellow author. Pal. click here to see how tall this dude stood. His novels are instant classics; we'll dedicate the Darker Mask to him if the publisher can slip something in...
George C
arlin. Lord what else can be said about him? I don't like the word "icon." Neither did he. But hell. Look, unlike most Americans he was insightful enough (a premium these days), to hold George Bush, Fox News , etc. in equal contempt with most liberals. Here was a man who could make something as banal as local TV news-sports-weather funnier than anything new comics can muster. He spanned eras. Oh yeah, here's one for you, George--FUCK the FCC!!! RIP, da bof' a youze. We'll keep fighting the good fight.

The second Esperanza book came out already?
Prayers for his family.
George Carlin was some HERO!
This is a nice and fitting tribute to both of these talented guys. I have not read any of J. Rodriguez's novels, but I know of his talent. As you mentioned -- what else can said about Carlin? Nuttin!. He said it all! Very sad, but their legacies will live on.
There was some thing in the Daily News. I don't think it is an obit.
Just came across the site searching through Abagond's blog roll. Been looking for a new author to read on the A train into work. Thanks.
Any suggestions on one to start with?
Feel free to check out my novel as well - I post a chapter a day and am looking for real feedback.
Thanks for this though.
George Carlin was something else. He and Richard Pryor are legends. Icons!
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