Do NOT wince or shut your eyes! And you thought that she, like Whitney, had moved up a few pegs by ridding herself of K-Fed? Yes, that's Paris Hilton looking on, envious of the attention. Have mercy...
Lindsay Lohan showed up at the GQ Man of the Year Dinner here in D.C. last week lit up like the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree. I guess any PR is good PR for these tarts, and that's the message they convey to our girls. Hey, for our precious little black girls, the key phrase is "Don't snitch," thanks to Lil' Kim. Or bubble-headed, bubble-butt Beyonce endlessly waiting on Jay-Z. Hey, I'd trade Jay-Z to the aliens for about a thousand black male engineers and teachers.
You know it came to me that we should thank the conservatives, the GOP stalwarts, the right wing so-called righteous loonies, opportunistic clowns like Bill O'Reilly. Yes, there's a culture war. Of course they got the enemy all wrong. I was listening to them whine about Happy Feet the other day. It was great listening to them attack this kiddie flick which I, fanboys and girls, had attacked for different reasons. See the post below. These dipshits like EVERYONE on Fox, Glenn Beck in Headline News and that weenie Michael Medved said the film was a cipher for Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. Medved did indeed make some comment about "gay" aspect of the cartoon. This was after the loonies were STILL talking about the imams forced off an airplane. Lord, these right wing turds sound like Christian al Qaida /Talaban at best, the Waffen SS at worst.
Now check my post on Happy Feet and you'll see the subtle difference. And speaking of subtlety, no I'm not taking down this picture of Britney's giblets. Burn it into your brain and pray for something better for our kids...
OMFG!!! This was one of the pictures--there were more, yes? She's trailer trash, straight up. Smoking a cigarette, too. This is awful!!! I'm angry with you for posting it, but I admit I was curious!
P.S. I saw the nonsense about "Happy Feet" on "Neil Cavuto" on Fox. I suppose they are still sour over losing the Congressional elections and need something to complain about. I am sure this will push moderate, reasonable people even farther away from them.
Yo Steve, you were ahead of the curve on this "Happy Feet" thing. But who knew? Yeah the culture war is in full effect. Remember, a distraction is always needed to keep the people turned away from the real issues.
BTW, speaking of turned away, I wanted to when I first glimpsed the photo you posted. But....well, like a car wreck on the highway....
You are quite the funny guy Chris. People were spending hours looking for Britney's parts on the web and you go and post them on an otherwise respectable site!
Makes one wonder about Paris Hilton's fashion sense. She gives up the toy dog in her handbag for a white trash whore on her arm. It makes me think there's some girlie poochie going on!
Gay penguins and two tarts in a limo, I think you are on to something.
BTW, Ms. Spears has the makings of some real thunder thighs under that skirt.
I don't know whether to block your site or congratulate you. (smile) The thing that really bothers me is that no one seems to be bothered, in turn, by Britney. It is like we are numb. In regard to your referece to conservatives, I noted that on The No Spin Zone (Bill O'Reilley)and Alan Keyes haven't, according to my husband, mentioned it and yet they talk about "Happy Feet?"
I am just so glad this wasn't Christina Milian or Raven Simone, Rihanna or another of "our" younger girls.
Next time please just link to the picture for my sake!
Did Lindsay Lohan o.d.?
My wife, Mrs. Pebs, was irked by my posting the photo, but of course she spent a lot of time gasping at it.
Anonymous #2: yes she o.d'd after leaving D.C.
Your cultural point is well taken but there was no need to reinforce the very sensationalism you are attacking. I don't think this girl has any shame, nor does she have talent.
Chris there are worse photos than this online. This is small and tame compared to those. When she first burst on the scene, she was a schoolgirl-Lolita-fantasy. Hard-on guaranteed. Now she's a skank and by forty she will be a redneck chick stereotype, like all of those big haired, saggy breasted wrinkled bitches in their RVs at Lowes Motor Speedway back in the Queen City.
I doubt any of them read your books or your blog, so I figure I'm safe, but you never know!
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