Powell Gives Obama Foreign Policy Advice
By Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has sought out former Secretary of State Colin Powell for advice on foreign policy matters.
While Powell served in the administrations of two Republican presidents, he said Sunday it was too early in the 2008 race to say whether he would back a GOP nominee.
"I'm going to support the best person that I can find who will lead this country for the eight years beginning in January of 2009," Powell said.
My sources says this was the second of two LONG meetings between the Big Jamaican and Barack. Veiled meaning here, boneheads, Glenn Beck, Hannity et al: if Obama's the nominee, Colin's in the Adminstration a la Bill Cohen. Payback's a bitch. Note he said "the eight years." Hmmm...
(PS, see post below--Reunions should be wild in 2010 if Barack wins and Michelle, Class of 85, says we gotta roll to the 25th. And you know she will...)
Bravo Colin Powell. You always knew he was going to show his true "color." (smile)
Ditto, but his good soldier routine is his biggest asset but his biggest flaw.
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