Stop whining about Burris. Here is the real face of a racial victim. Dr. Jan Adams, former host of TLC's Plastic Surgery Before and After and celebrity skin cutter, was sentenced to a year in the big house. Not for killing Kanye's momma. Nope. DUI. This in a world were the average celeb gets a slap on the wrist or rehab for being a menace. Nor are they required to wear convict's stripes. Check out Jan. So stop whining about old too proud to see he's being used Burris playing musical chairs here in DC. This is racism. If his name was Dr. Jan Adamstein, would he be on lockdown? Well, if he'd betrayed the Tribe like Madoff, yeah. But Jan's a brother, so guess what?
At the beginning of every show didn't he say he was a "Board certified" plastic surgeon from Beverly Hills? So that was a lie?
Google Anthony Pignataro MD from my hometown. An infamous local turd and MD who's rightfully making little ones outta big ones. Along with killing a patient he tried to poison his wife and invented a hair piece that snaps onto anchor bolts drilled into his skull. Bets part is he can't wear it in the slam.
SoCal 82 Tiger Says"
Professor - Shame on you! This case was not about race, it was about a privileged well-known “Plastic Surgeon To The Stars” not being able to avoid the consequences of MULTIPLE DUI arrests.
This last episode you ranted over was not the doctor's first brush with “Mr. Highway’! Dr. Jan has had plenty of chances to get right and stop his drinking and driving....
Please save your rage for more worthy people who have truly been abused by the system!
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