Before I dish on Joe Lieberman and Thubert the Traitor (AG of Georgia, unwitting ally of the most scumbag redneck prosecutor in the state) I must shill my boy. Finally, will somebody give Tim Duncan the props he deserves. And I don't mean a geeky Bob Costas type doing the lauding. I mean brothas.
Would it be easier if he wasn't articulate, avoided hubris? Would it better if he was a little darker skinned? [don't get mad. I'm just trying to exhaust all the possibilities] Would the praise be more forthcoming if he was covered with tattoos, had four baby-mamas, was a knuckle-dragging thug, plaited his hair in bizarre rows no one in Africa has ever seen? Lived in an 8000 square ft house with no other furniture but a 72 inch LCD TV and a leather sofa and a stripper pole? Huh? Huh? Seriously...
...or maybe he needs a new publicist? How about ghettocrat Prof. Michael Eric Dyson? He'd reform his image considerably. ;-)
Dang bruh. You caught me at morning coffee and cruller time and I almost choked. (we are on Cali time) You really stired the nest, but this time the nest needed to be stired. However, I think there has been a surge of praise and honest analysis of this guy. There will be more. On the other hand he's not a hermit so I don't buy this "He refuses to talk to the media" bull.
"ghettocrat?" ROFLMA
With whom are you setting up the champ comparisons? Heinsen? Russell, King, Chamberlin, Hayes? Reed, Unseld? Forwards like M. Jordan and West?
Or is it impact on the team, championship series? I think you need to also address the notion that this team is a dynasty and yet there's a shyness in applying that title.
Ooops I forgot Jabbar. It's Friday.
Truth be told, I am a sports fan and a big fan of the Tim Duncan's. Of course my friends say I follow the Spurs because of Tony and Miz Longoria!
I am so happy for Tim, and time will vindicate him. Indeed because there are so many players who fill that bad boy bill that the NBA and television sponsors will want to promote his heroism and skill, and not downplay it.
The bars on the Riverwalk were on FIRE last night, so says my friend living in San Antonio. That's ironic because I feel that is part of the problem: Timmy plays in a city that doesn't value basketball.
Tim Duncan and Tony Parker got the complexion but they are not true brothers from the hood. Bring back Magic, Jordan, Rodman and lets rock and roll in the NBA, but the trend is to get these milk duds along with some foreign white boys and tame the NBA but in taming it, they are killing it too. Bring back the Jordan rules. Best thing about these games was the hot Eva!
When you leave the airport on St. Croix, a rather large billboard bearing Tim's picture proclaiming St. Croix as the home of Tim Duncan is there for all the world to see. If anyone misses this sign, it is because he/she is blind. Previous V.I. delegations have attended playoff games,that's how proud we are of this young man. This "island man" is doing St. Croix very proud but then it all goes away when you (dare to) watch that College Hill, Virgin Islands crap. So if no one else cares to, Crucian residents have more than enough love for Tim. We're so proud of him, that St. Croix will probably be renamed Isle of Tim Duncan. Wishful thinking of course!!
Crucian Gal
I just hope that now he'll stop looking so sad all the time. I mean, dude, crack a smile for once!
"Would it be easier if he wasn't articulate..."
Well, he doesn't speak with the usual southern/black American/whatever accent we're used to hearing, but...ah, what's the use? Sigh.
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