No editorializing necessary on this. Res Ipsa Loquitor. Even the most boneheaded NASCAR Dad gulped a little at this; Fox & Friends (the morning show) tried soooo hard to finesse it. (I mean, recall how Dubya's poor successor, Texas governor Rick Perry, had to eat a murder of crows when he attended a Nugent concert and Ted of course showed out. Jaded rednecks on Perry's staff were issuing apologies in a politically correct wuss style they usually pin on liberals! Outstanding!). Background: Renegade right-winger Ted Nugent recently went on a vicious onstage rant in which he threatened the lives of Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Decked out in full-on camouflage hunting gear, Nugent wielded two machine guns while raging, “Obama, he’s a piece of shit. I told him to suck on my machine gun. Hey Hillary,” he continued. “You might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless bitch.” Nugent summed up his eloquent speech by screaming “freedom!”
The one time you'd want these worthless rappers to back-up the thug talk with action--yet not one comes to at least Barack's defense and set their "boyz" in their entourages loose on The Motor City Motherfucker? Ha! Well Ted, how about this, then--I have something for you to suck on...
Come on folks. We deserve better than this and it's time to run this fool out the same way the wingnuts buried the Dixie Chicks for some utterly more innocent. I guess the NAACP is busy putting together a Michael Vick parole fund but perhaps time would be better spent address this?
I'm out till Labor Day, so take care Fanboys & Girls. More updates on Yella Patsy's Boys, The Darker Mask (including a word from Walter Mosely) and Gangsterland...and a sneak peek of something truly crazy.
Sports digression----
Speaking of sucking, how on earth did the Ravens lose a pre season game to the Foreskins? OK, it wasn't technically a loss there at Douchebag Danny Snyder's monstrosity in Lanham, as Zeus (or was is Jack Kent Cooke's ghost) rained lightening bolts onto the field midway throught the third quarter, but do you really think the Ravens would have won? Hey, maybe if it were regualr season but I still think Brian Billick needs to go and a Herm Edwards type black coach come in and shake us up. No, I have no loyalty to the football team of the city of my birth. My home, the Nation's Capital. The fans here are bigger clowns than Steeler fans, bigger jerks than Eagle fans, dumber than Bears fans. Sitting in my overpriced seat last year, munching on my $10 hot dog, lawd lawd I actually found myselfing cheering for Tyrell Owens when the Cowboys came to town. But Baltimore...comfortable stadium...reasonable prices...cheery blue collar fans...the ghost Unitas hovering above. What a pleasure.
Maybe Ray Lewis can go stab Ted Neugent. Ray-Ray, I know you know some brothers who'd do it for fiddy and some change. Call me...