Mr. Murdoch! Were you were too busy buying Dow Jones (to make it a bit more fair and balanced), to veto this abomination? Janene Garofolo, the right wing's symbol of evil, will join the cast 24 this January as an FBI Analyst?! What's next--Natalie Maines doing the theme song? Well--is it karma for all these head-up-the-ass right wing white males who'd adopted the show as "theirs?" Nevermind a whole lotta other folks watch it. Kiefer Sutherland, appearing on un-Republican, very gay James Lipton's Inside the Actor's Studio, even said the show's merely the latest incarnation of the spy/adventure show (with "Jack Bauer" as the mythic paradigm of a lone warrior) and not paeon to Cheneyism; he lauded his dad's role in M*A*S*H* (yes youngsters, it was a movie) as the ultimate anti-war vehicle. Of course Kiefer waxes pretentious about a lot of things, but hey...
Karma...or just the usual Hollywood marketing horsecrap. Oh, the wingnut white boys will howl and scream, and it gives the retards something to blog about, to protest, etc. Now that NASCAR's gone mainstream what else can they watch? And more people understand that our president has his head up his ass, so they must find refuge in fantasy (note how they "adopted" 300...hmmm, how butch! hahahaha) . I personally just think its funny as hell. So rightwing and so-called patriots: shut the f-- up. Enjoy. She's actually a good actress and pretty amusing.
Oh God? Now that's some interesting casting. I always thought Kiefer was a little peculiar looking, and I never forgave them for killing the black president! Dennis was on BET denying that the guy was a Republican, if that helps. (smile)
I don't watch network/broadcast tv anyway.
She's a little ugly isn't she?
Might actually make the show better. In my opinion it has gotten...here's the awful "p" word...predictable.
Bruh, politics aside I know a dude at a rival station who has some bizarre fetish for her. He actually decried her weightloss. There are some jocks on a syndicated show somewhere on your Right Coast who make the same sick pronouncements. So for every grumpy ol' Dick Cheney or redneck who'll now boycott the show, there are three perverts waiting to take their place and you can bet Fox is the only network that takes that kind of demo information to heart!
P.S. Heard a rumor about a novel you are working on which re-interprets let us say, an old radio show?
I am sick of Janine Garofolo. I thought the was the "un-celebrity". I don't watch the show anyway, and I definitely won't watch it now.
What the hell??? Isn't that chick black? I don't think she is talented in the least.
Truth be told bruh, she is all that and a bag of chips! However, "one monkey don't stop no show"!
The last two bizarre comments notwithstanding, I have less trouble with her politics than with her roles and general demeanor.
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