Well, a reminder of reality fell into the Mississippi River tonight during rush hour. Perhaps instead of lining Betchel's pockets along with countless other contractors in Baghdad, Doha, Bahrain et al...can we get some help on Main Street. Or I-35? Huh Mr. President? Bet there are bridges even in screw mass transit Texas that need fixin'
P.S. One more hen's scratching at the coop. Millions of Fisher-Price/Mattel toys for babies, laden with LEAD recalled. Where are they made? Why, the communist ATM machine for thousands of American CEOs with stock options, private equity and hedge fund captains, dickheads hoping to break unions--China. More human rights violations than Hugo Chavez. More pollution than Eastern Europe. But hey, moneys to be made and that means the GOP, big business and even the neo-cons love the place. Maybe John Roberts was sucking on a Big Bird Fisher Price crib mobile over the weekend. Maybe it will wake HIS ass up. Unlikely, but keep sucking anyway, Mr. Chief "Justice." Hand some toys out in the White House if you get a chance...
Yeah, I'm pissed off.
I heard about this story just a few moments ago. Amazingly only 6 people were killed. I was totally shocked, but I realized I had heard a story on NPR not too long ago. It detailed the fact that our nation's infrastructure is crumbling rapidly and we are not spending enough money or time on these issues. It is happening everywhere. Dubya -- does it make sense to send our kids to Iraq for reasons that were proven false? We have not seen any WMDs at all. Yet and still our nation does not have adequate health care or decent education for all of our children and bridges are falling down on people's heads. What a shame...
Bravo, bravo and bravo, sir. I think a lot of people who aren't strident robots are thinking along these lines, too.
These are the kinds of matters that jar my friends and neighbors out of a conservative lockstep and into reality on both the local and national level.
Kudos on the China comment as well.
First, the pet food, now the toys. I don't trust anything that comes out of China, but darn near everything is made over there. I don't even have a choice.
P.S. I will never understand why the U.S. loves China yet hates Cuba so. If you're not going to do business with one communist nation, don't do it with the other.
When last I checked the governor of Virginia tried to address this and the ignorant Republicans in the legislature dug in their heels at any taxes to fix the strangulation of traffic and the infrastructure. Now it is coming home to roost with them because their constituents are saying no more developement, and revolting against these fees for speeding tickets upward of hundred of dollars!
FYI I did indeed hear about our essay for the University of Florida about Donald Goines and I'm looking forward to reading it. Spring 08?
My best to Mr. Mosley, Mr. Phillips and Mr. Carcaterra!
tell them why your mad!
I was shocked when I heard about this last night. And then I immediately thought about the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel in VA that I frequently traveled to get to HU...::shudders:: these people are insane.
Be nice if we could "surge" at home!
I think when you look at the fight against terrorists the successes have been through good international intelligence and good police work, not warfare. We could use the war money and write two checks: 40% for anti-terrorism and 60% to re-do our infrastructure for the future.
Unbelievable , i saw this post last night , and was just so tired , i skimmed through it , and went to bed. Needless to say i am shocked! What a pathetic piece of crap are the people who are running this country . Unfortunately i do not know much about minnesota , but i know in money making manhattan, the bridges and the roads are constantly being fixed to the point of annoyance . If I am not mistaken the manhattan brige has been in the fixing stage since the early 85 or 86 with little breathers in between .
In regards to china , i work out of china , I have a office over there , It is impossible for me to do work here , no one wants to pay , and i make luxury goods. Go Figure ...
I don't know what u call human rights but we sure do not have human rights here . I feel safe when i walk in china , i can't say the same about here . I think before any one blames china , they need to look at the fat f..k american execs that go there and goof off, hire hookers get drunk , and have illegitmate children , while still maintaining a family at home .
The code of the streets is universal , if it looks like a sucker , acts like a sucker , then they deserve to get taken . This idea of putting in fake ingreidients is not new and only limited to export ... Every time i go to china , i am warned by my peeps , what not to eat and what to watch out for ....
^^^^ i meant to say not limited to export ....
meanwhile check out the kls show on aol.. Kimora goes to mattel to look at the development of her doll , and she starts complaining about why her doll can't have a dog , and the other dolls for white celebs have better clothes and dogs , then she insists that it becalled kimora barbie not just kimora .... This is a business woman , this is what they want our children to believe.. Never once did she mention where do u produce the dolls , what type of fur are u using , what type of paint are u using , does it peel off , if not why , what is the doll made out of ... No this woman was only concerened about her image , and being on a level playing field with mr charlie...
oh the shame
P.S. I will never understand why the U.S. loves China yet hates Cuba so. If you're not going to do business with one communist nation, don't do it with the other.
-because the Chinese government never lets communism stand in the way of them making money.
You big fag! Pinko commie Russian bastard that you are. Don't you know we have to eradicate terrorism? We have to fight them there before they come here. What can be more important than protecting our country? Ok, so 4 people died from the bridge - we lose that many soldiers each day in Iraq. Cry me a river.
So what if we aren't spending money on our infrastructure and educashin and hour kidz mite not be abel to reed or spel.
From the Miami Herald:
"Nationwide...more than 70,000 bridges, or about 12 percent, are rated structurally deficient, and engineers estimate repairing them all would take at least a generation and cost more than $188 billion"
How much have we spent on Iraq so far?
Anonymous said...
please enlighten me to how the us loves china ??? Darling , aren't they trying to conquer china and turn it into the mess that is now china ??/
usa hates cuba, because they were expelled from cuba .. cuba is the bad adolescent on punishment... they do not want the other kids to follow the lead ... cuba is the most heavily monitored country , by usa ... even over the iraq war ...
as mr chris , saids there is too much wagging the dog going on ...
have u ever wondered why , zinn and chomsky can say what they want w/o much reprecussion...
Before you start slammin all of corporate America, let me just say don't start talkin bout big banks cuzzin Chris. We're just tryin to make ppl's dreams come true. We ain't got nuttin to do wit all dat subprime lendin stuff.
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