...to be followed by Crazy Oprah, Part I.
First, outside of Boston a high school coach and his pal killed their Latino immigrant drug dealer rather pay their bill, then cooked the dude to dispose of his body. Wish I could stew my creditors. Next, yet another "one blue collar white girl rips the foetus/baby from the other blue collar white girl" in the heartland. Never enough episodes of Snapped or any number of Nat Geo, Discovery ID or Cold Case to cover this. The latest is in Oregon. The only reason it's not more prevalent in Texas or Alabama is that pregnant girls are armed down there. When the only way to be valued and value yourself isn't becoming a doctor or hell, even a magazine editor, but by (1) enlisting or (2) getting pregnant (or both, often simultaneously) what's a young, not too bright white girl in the hinterland to do? So it's not a stretch that, in the world of boredom, meth & Republican voting, cadres of lunatics are spawned and a few of them just might murder to obtain the baby they themselves dreamed to have...
Yes I'm being flippant. But you all, and you know who you are, love to tag "us" with anti-social, degenerate labels. I'm returning the favor...
The real "Juno?"
Yeah, I seen that mugshot on HLN and thought "Oh, just another looney tune"...then I switched to Maury. WTF?!
That's what happens when the cracker crumbles. From a right winger from hell.
Well, at least we now know that we have not corned the market on degeneracy and outright foolishness.
SoCal 82Tiger Says:
Professor Nat you’re the first person to bag on any one’s "folks" (including your own) for their crazy degenerate & anti social behavior...
That’s what’s so endearing about your rants – From this readers view point you appear to despise all bad white trash, ghetto, and barrio behavior equally.
Speaking the plain truth would get pretty dull around here if not for you!
PS HLM would be proud...
You *are* an anti-social degenerate. No labels required.
There are an estimated 1.5 million Black men in prison and another 3.5 million on probation. Black males make up more than 70 percent of the total prison population, even though they make up only 6 percent of the U.S. population.
Although blacks are 12% of the population in reality it is just 2% of the blacks that commit 50% of the murders and a greater percentage of other crimes. Consider: black females - 6%. Blacks from zero yrs. to 12 yrs. and black males from 50-100 years commit an infinitesimal percentage of the crimes. Therefore we are left with two percent. If we eliminate crimes committed by this two percent from the U.S. statistics our country compares very favorably with all Western countries. Fact -- blacks kill 7 times more than whites kill. Fact -- blacks kill whites 20 times more than whites kill blacks. Fact -- blacks mug or commit group crime against whites 50 times more than whites commit against blacks. Fact -- blacks rape white women 2000 (yes 2000) times more than whites rape black women. In New York City, about 300 white women are raped by blacks every year BUT there has not been a black woman raped by a white male in anybody¢s memory (going back over 20 yrs.) Consider: Al Sharpton had to go upstate New York to find a hoax and that was almost 20 years ago. (Source NYT 4/22/05)
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics 2004 report (released May 2006), blacks commit 54 percent of the homicides in America even though they constitute only 12 percent of the population.
An individual black male is seven times more likely to commit murder than an individual white male. It so happens that black felons commit 43 percent of aggravated assaults, 66 percent of armed robberies, 27 percent of rapes and 85 percent of interracial crimes of violence, mainly against whites (this last figure from a Justice Department report 2003). However, it's not just in the United States. The greatest dicators in recent years have emerged in Africa. People like Idi Amin of Uganda, Hastings Kamuzu Banda in Malawi, Mobutu Sese Seko, in Zaire, self-anointed Emperor Bokassa of the Central African Republic, Mohammed Saidi Barre in Somalia, Sani Abacha of Nigeria, Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe -- the list is endless
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