See my latest short story in Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine (November) "Bag Bride," featuring the debut of my new gumshoe Herman "Munster" Padilla and his septegenarian retired playa sidekick, Jerome "Sportin'" Daniels. Can't excerpt it here but click on the story title for the link for the basics on how to subscribe to AHMM...
I hope to roll out Munster and Daniels in the planned novel "Bahama Mama," which is set on the billionaires'/super-models'/shady Cuban businessmens' paradise of Harbour Island, off Eleuthera in the Bahamas. If you love bonefishing, blood, racial politics, Cuban cigars, rum, reggae and mayhem...stay tuned for "Bahama Mama."
FYI on The Darker Mask, if you've seen the deal announcement in Publishers Weekly last month, you're comfortable that yes--we are moving right along. We'll have details on the artists very soon. As a tease: Gary and I stopped dead on our own stories as we were floored by the drafts turned in so far by LA Banks, Peter Spiegelman, Tananarive Due, Steve Barnes and, of course Walter Mosley. More to come, fanboys and girls.
Greetings from Oak-town yet again!!! Chris, what's Gary Phillips' next project (besides The Darker Mask)? Didn't see anything sneak peeked on his site.
Sportin' Daniels? Superfly on Geritol?
When are we going to Harbour Isalnd on your dime? You can call it "research."
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