As you fanboys and girls know, Nat and Mrs. Nat were going to the opening event and Nat was going to interview the Cohens, mine the thoughts of the VIP guests. Speak to the young actors portraying these young heroes, themselves murdered by enablers, just as Steven Johns, a young black man, was murdered (n.b., I wonder what those young Israeli pub-hoopers who ridiculed Barack Obama on video would say about a black man dying to protect the Holocaust Museum?).
Note I didnt say murdered by cartoon/Hollywood Nazis & Klansmen. Or today by James Van Bruun--a member of our so-called "Greatest Generation" (n.b. the same ones who returned home from WWII to fight integration in the 50s, murder Freedom Riders and little girls in churches in the 60s).
Since Obama's election, we've seen the rage, the lunacy. From churches shot up by people distraught over gays/blacks and gun control, to Dr. Tiller. Cops and innocents shot and maimed by rightwing cretins in Alabama, in Pittsburgh. And all the while, the Michelle Bachmans, the Palins, the Hannitys, the Newts...the Limbaughs...the moronic Glenn Becks...the rightwing preachers, the Focus on the Families...the Janet Parshalls and dozens of bloggers, fellow travelers have railed, cursed, egged, sneered, whispered, gossiped...
And that's who these two teenagers think of, when they share their pain. The people who looked the other way, or gave tacit approval. The people who said it wasn't their business, or served "those people" right. Or said the fearful were overreacting or swayed by outside agitators, etc. The people who benefitted from the oppression, for two years or two centuries, or who were cowards and knew better. And the ones who stirred the pot, bring what was simmering to a boil. That's the evil Janet going to bring to life tonight, through two youngsters who are allegory for what's right and wrong about us as humans.
I'll be talking to the folks before the performance Friday 6/12 (at GWU) report back to you, as well as update you on where the review will appear online and in print. Ironic, eh? A celebration of life, yet Van Bruun comes to crash the party on the basis of the very evil the teenagers discuss. And on TV, in radio studios as the boards light up, on blogs, over the phone and in living rooms, and from barstools & fundamentalist rectories upon the sermon desk--the enablers grouse, grumble, exhort. No need to add any lines to the script, Janet...
Here's the press release:
For Immediate Release:Washington, D.C. - June 10, 2009Contact: Terrie M. Williams, 212.316.0305/tmwms@terriewilliams.com orDanette Wills, 917.474.4348/danettewills@yahoo.com
Former Defense Secretary William S. Cohen and Janet Langhart Cohen
Former Defense Secretary William S. Cohen and Janet Langhart Cohen are deeply saddened by the horrific shootings that occurred this afternoon at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, a sacred memorial to the millions of victims of the Holocaust. They offer their sincerest condolences to the victims and families of today's tragedy.
Secretary Cohen was 30 feet away from where the shots were fired. Mrs. Cohen was in transit to the final rehearsal of her play, Anne and Emmett, at the time of the shooting, but was unable to enter the building upon her arrival. Staff, actors, and crew in the building at the time of the shootings were moved to a secure area and are safe.
For security reasons, tonight's debut performance of Anne and Emmett at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum has been cancelled. Every attempt will be made to reschedule a performance of at the Museum at a later date.
Anne and Emmett will be performed at George Washington University's Jack Morton Auditorium as scheduled on Friday, June 12 at 7 p.m. The play is sold out. By presenting the play to the public on Anne Frank's birthday, June 12th, we offer both a time of reflection and remembrance for all in attendance.
In one accord, the Cohen's and all of tonight's invited guests offer their prayers to the victims, their concern for all staff and visitors at the museum during this tragedy, and their hopes for a safe and compassionate world.
Anne & Emmett is centered around an imaginary conversation between 14-year-old Anne Frank and 15-year-old Emmett Till. One was murdered because she was Jewish, the other because he was Black. These two teenagers were fatal victims of anti-Semitism and racism. The play explores the commonalities and parallels between their lives. This play will give all who view it an inside look at why it is so vital that the world learn more about genocide and how we can act to prevent it before it is too late. For more information about the play, please visit www.anneandemmett.net. Mrs. Janet Langhart Cohen and Mr. William S. Cohen are available for limited interviews.
Former Defense Secretary William S. Cohen and Janet Langhart Cohen
Former Defense Secretary William S. Cohen and Janet Langhart Cohen are deeply saddened by the horrific shootings that occurred this afternoon at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, a sacred memorial to the millions of victims of the Holocaust. They offer their sincerest condolences to the victims and families of today's tragedy.
Secretary Cohen was 30 feet away from where the shots were fired. Mrs. Cohen was in transit to the final rehearsal of her play, Anne and Emmett, at the time of the shooting, but was unable to enter the building upon her arrival. Staff, actors, and crew in the building at the time of the shootings were moved to a secure area and are safe.
For security reasons, tonight's debut performance of Anne and Emmett at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum has been cancelled. Every attempt will be made to reschedule a performance of at the Museum at a later date.
Anne and Emmett will be performed at George Washington University's Jack Morton Auditorium as scheduled on Friday, June 12 at 7 p.m. The play is sold out. By presenting the play to the public on Anne Frank's birthday, June 12th, we offer both a time of reflection and remembrance for all in attendance.
In one accord, the Cohen's and all of tonight's invited guests offer their prayers to the victims, their concern for all staff and visitors at the museum during this tragedy, and their hopes for a safe and compassionate world.
Anne & Emmett is centered around an imaginary conversation between 14-year-old Anne Frank and 15-year-old Emmett Till. One was murdered because she was Jewish, the other because he was Black. These two teenagers were fatal victims of anti-Semitism and racism. The play explores the commonalities and parallels between their lives. This play will give all who view it an inside look at why it is so vital that the world learn more about genocide and how we can act to prevent it before it is too late. For more information about the play, please visit www.anneandemmett.net. Mrs. Janet Langhart Cohen and Mr. William S. Cohen are available for limited interviews.
Good post, Nat.
Even the turds at Fox are admitting something's wrong. Remember when they all rose in a chorus of attack on Holder and Napolitano's Homeland Security Report? now they are scared of their own viewers.
(cut and paste)
"I wonder what those young Israeli pub-hoopers who ridiculed Barack Obama on video would say about a black man dying to protect the Holocaust Museum?"
As a young Isreali pub-hooper I don't feel I need to like Obama more because a black man died protecting the Holocaust Museum. To begin with he didn't die "protecting Jews" as most people in there probably weren't. A cousin of mine quit a lucrative job in New York to teach poor black students... and ended up being murdered by one. I don't remember getting a sympathy card from you. Do you remember the Crown Heights lynching? Your people sure weren't yelling "no justice, no peace" then! Or when OJ got away with killing a white women and a Jew?
Your comment is ironic cause I've always wondered how black folks from Malcolm to Sharpton to Farrakhan to Wright could feel comfortable acting the way you do towards my people knowing that most non-black people who fought (and those who died) for YOUR civil rights were Jewish. Why would Jewish pub-hoppers feel indebted to him.... I don't see Afrcian Americans feeling the collective guilt when 3 black guys in NY were trying to blow up a synagoue recently, or looking to see how hate speech by black Muslims may have encouraged it. My life experience has taught me that most African American's are willing to, at best condone, at worse defend, anti-semitism. The most bold hateful speech I've ever heard about Jews has been by people of African descent.
I feel horrible for this guy who died in the same way I feel horrible for those 5 cops who died in Oakland recently.
You might have another attack. A doctor has decided to give abortions in Kansas to take the place of the murdered doctor, and thus thumbs his nose at the groups which fired up that other killer. See it here
We believe you, Howie Levin, we believe you. Cry a river for that poor guard who you'd otherwise not give the time of day. Damn that Farrakhan, as if he has anything remotely to do with anything, and damn those Palestinians and Barack Hussien Obama.
Now go back to sucking Netanyahu's cock. We have enough right wing extremists and assholes here without you weighing in. Your comment sounds like the messages Sheppard Smith at FOX had to own up to tonight at the link from "cousin@10:44pm"
It has everything to do with Obama's race. Its never been this bad or intense.
Maybe you should fly over here and see the Cohen couple's stageplay. You might learn something.
Anon 10:59,
Do you know how each and every black person acts toward your person?
It sounds like more of the same. They all look alike.
If I took on the same pose, I say that you are just like Daniel Pipes.
I co-sign with Hathor on Mr. Israeli "bar hopper."
Nice post, Chambers. You sound heartfelt, for a change.
"ChristopherMolisanti said...
We believe you, Howie Levin, we believe you. Cry a river for that poor guard who you'd otherwise not give the time of day. Damn that Farrakhan, as if he has anything remotely to do with anything, and damn those Palestinians and Barack Hussien Obama.
Now go back to sucking Netanyahu's cock. We have enough right wing extremists and assholes here without you weighing in. Your comment sounds like the messages Sheppard Smith at FOX had to own up to tonight at the link from "cousin@10:44pm"
It has everything to do with Obama's race. Its never been this bad or intense.
Maybe you should fly over here and see the Cohen couple's stageplay. You might learn something."
Ok Jerimiah, didn't mean to get uppity with you...all that talk about dicksucking and the "Cohen couple's" play. I already did learn something. You're a race-baiting asshole who when faced with reality goes bonkers. Now go back to sucking the dick of the KKK you white sheet wearing black mail.
Anonymous (11:37pm):
You must admit for a woman way past age 55, Janet Langhart is FINE. And she married a Jewish guy. You should give her points for that!!
This was a terrible crime and a tragedy for the family of this poor guard. He was just doing his job. However, that job entailed defending a symbol of courage against hatred.
All of us are going to have to do some self-examination. Some of us, particularly those who hold onto hates or straw men villians and bugbears. By these I mean, given the vitriolic nature of an anonymous commenter, people like Rev. Jeremiah Wright. They are insignificant players when measured against what I've seen as a white woman in Mobile from my childhood sixty years hence, to today in comments.
I pray for the guard's family, and I pray for us all. President Obama himself could be in danger.
"I wonder what those young Israeli pub-hoopers who ridiculed Barack Obama on video would say about a black man dying to protect the Holocaust Museum?)."
Please Nat don't denigrade what happened by trying to turn it into a way to intimidate people who speak ill of Obama. If they were talking that way about Bush it would not have gotten on your nerves. Furthermore, he did not die protecting the Holocaust Museum (more than 1/2 which deals with atrocities in which the victims aren't Jewish), he died protecting the people inside, which also were predominately not Jewish. He, like a dozen other people in law enforcement this year, died protected the lives of others. He was not a "black man defending the holocaust museum" and that perspective is incredible manipulative.
He wasn't at the Washington Monument.
"As a young Isreali pub-hooper I don't feel I need to like Obama more because a black man died protecting the Holocaust Museum."
It's tragic that in our grief, some of us continue to miss the point. Nobody has to like Barack Obama, or anyone else, for that matter. However, we all have to take responsibility for our role in sustaining civil debate. We can disagree without perpetuating hate.
I am very sorry about the loss of life that occurred at the Holocaust Museum and the toxic climate that fostered it.
Mr. Levin, I am also very sorry that your cousin was murdered.
I remember the horrific events of the Crown Heights disturbances well. Everyone should study the circumstances surrounding the tragic accident that killed Gavin Cato touched off the riot in which Yankel Rosenbaum was murdered. For a number of years, I taught Anna Deveare Smith's production of Fires in the Mirror. One of the things I had my students do was to go to read the African American and Jewish newspapers published in New York at that time and note the diametrically opposing claims of fact that each outlet made. In the African American papers, there would be statements to the effect that "everyone knew" that the Hasidic ambulance team cavalierly ignored Gavin Cato and his cousin to attend to the Rebbe and his driver. In the Jewish newspapers, one read that "everyone knew" who murdered Rosenbaum.
Al Sharpton said that he spoke out about Rosenbaum's murder and sent flowers to the grieving family, if I remember correctly. There was a corresponding claim from Jewish community leaders that they had expressed their grief over the death of Cato, but that they had received no corresponding expressions of compassion from African American leaders.
We can waste our time on who has done more for whom, or to whom, or we can talk about how we go forward from here. Bring up Joel Spingarn and the many other Jews who led, bled and sacrificed for the Civil Rights Movement, and I can talk about the black soldiers who helped liberate the concentration camps, how WEB Du Bois sounded the alarm about Hitler in 1936 and no one listened, or more recently, Bayard Rustin's pro-Israel stance and Henry Louis Gates' attack on black antisemitism. Do we really need to go down this road, or can people of good will recognize that we are in a perilous time and we need to find a way to treat each other as human beings?
I haven't degraded anything. The toxic climate was created by the election of Barack Hussien Obama in November, and for some people, the world flipped. Van Bruun's views were once mainstream, regular. American. Now they're on the fringe--supposedly. When Fox News anchor Shep Smith has to draw a deep breath and chastise the network's own viewers last night, there's a problem. And it's got nothing to with raising "bugbears" (thanks Chicama but I prefer hobgoblins, convenient monsters in the closet) like Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Those are the justifications the murderers of these teens in the play used. It's always trumped-up self-defense...
...as with Islamic fundamentalists (n.b. and Christian fundamentalists). The other night my colleague, Asra Nomani, led a discussion at Georgetown re: the sneak peak of the upcoming PBS documentary "A Mosque in Morgantown," wherein she's battling that fundamentalism in the US--and in her own home state of West Virginia, if you can believe that. West Virginia! As we watched and then spoke after I formulated the following maxim, shared on the documentary's website now. It fits what's happening in quarters of Islam, and it fits here. It even fits certain elements among American Jews and Israelis. Sadly, the idea were all more alike rather than we think doesn't mean in a touchy feely sort of way:
"Conservatism isn't extremism. The space between them is deeper than the Marianas Trench under the Pacific Ocean. But nowadays, it's only as wide as a footstep."
I invite you to read the Cohen's press release again, BTW
Stop being so pedantic, Chris. Your "maxim" is just a sweeter way of showing this: these rightwing louts, talk show hosts and neocon Jews blaming Rev. Wright for this murder are twins of the Muslims and Arabs who blame Israel's Mossad for staging 9-11. Normal people have to be brave.
Great article but Terry Williams can kiss my BA. Folks like her just use their Blackness to make cash, I know I've dealt with her. And F Obama, he's just an Uncle Tom, and the modern-day DAVID DINKINS and JESSE "scam" Jackson rolled into one. When will you folks wake up and get off the horse doo doo. The system has realized that folks are waking up, so the system is now using BLACK uncle toms in place of the retards like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. The modern uncle toms have Ivy League degree, look good, speak like they're royalty but in the end, they're just in place to keep you ENSLAVED mo flowers. Wake up. And dont' believe Spike Lee or most others who claim to be with the MOVEMENT, 99% are FAKE therefore nothing improves. If you see them getting media coverage, they're fake, the Western MEDIA doesn't give ANY coverage to the real brothers and sisters (who are various colors). WTFU YDMF
You know, this is very interesting:
"an Bruun's views were once mainstream, regular. American. Now they're on the fringe--supposedly."
Just think about that - what does that say about how far we've moved in what - 50-60 years? That we've moved, period - don't need to get all "but how far" "but how long" "but how much further to go."
There's no question that when people are threatened with losing the life they thought they deserved, were entitled to or otherwise just want to demand and get they lash out - narcissistic rage at its finest maybe even.
I just don't know why all the name-calling is necessary - but that is me and my style.
The bottom line for me is - what am I going to do, what can I contribute - to make the actions of people like Scott Roeder, Von Bruun, the man who killed the army recruiter - every single one with potential to commit these acts of violence - stop proliferating?
Hi there Chris!
Thank you for sharing this press release! I saw that news report and I was wondering when someone would blog about it!
And by the way....you ARE welcome to stop by my blog any time you feel like jumping into the "fray"!! *LOL*
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
Most of you anonyMOUSES are idiots. You don't even understand the meaning of the Holocaust Museum's mission. It is a testament to man's inhumanity to man and why it is wrong to be bigoted to ANYONE. Even if you are Jewish you have the same stupid mentality as the NAZIs. Your ancestors, especially those who died in the camps would probably be ashamed of you and your racism.
Lisa J.- your ancestors would be ashamed to see that many of YOUR people have donned the white sheet and have burned a cross on other people's lawns. There is not a crime black folks have been victimized by that you haven't turned around and done to others.
Professor Kim talked about the Crown Heights lynching in a way that described and gave respect to "both sides" of the story. Strangly enough we NEVER hear both sides of the story when YOUR people are the vicitm. If we are going to look at hate crimes BY black folks in a way that's sympathic to the perpetrator then it should also be done when whites are the perpetrator and blacks are the victim. I know THAT sure wouldn't go over well.
In response to Professor Kim's post about the Crown Heights Lynching- I respected how shr tried to be diplomatic but I find it necessary to point out hate crimes against African Americans are never taught in a way that give respect to "both sides" of the story. I find it incredibly bizarre that African Americans can rationalize or "explain" this lynching by point out a young African American was killed in a car accident and that "set it off". It's the first (and I'm sure last) time African Americans equated a car accident to a violent racist murder. I am sure that black folks committ more than their share of car accidents! If someone points to murder or rape by a black person as a justification for a lynching, that person in called a vehemet racist. Yet black folks feel no shame at trying to explain a lynching by pointing to a car accident? Every lynch mob has it's reason. If we are going to look at hate crimes BY black folks in a way that's sympathic to the perpetrator and gives their "explaination" some credence, well, this should also be done when blacks are the victim.
Anoymous you are a liar and distort the truth. And how can the actions of a handful of people mean "all black folks" do this or that. I have a long standing DEEP respect for the Jews and what they have been through and I admire them as a people greatly. But you are an idiot. There were Jews who were slave owners, does that mean all Jews supported slavery? NO there are some very racist Jews, does that mean all Jews are racists? No YOu are a racist against blacks, pure and simple has nothing to do with being Jewish you just are and you can't admit it. YOu hate blacks and you push the poison of anti-semitism onto us when we aren't the ones who made the concentration camps, were not the ones who forced mass groups of Jews out of their home countries in Europe, had pograms agains the Jews, kept Jews out of colleges and universities in this country up until the 40's. I could go on and on. You have misdirected your anger at us instead of people who share white skin with you b/c you are so full of it. And man or woman up a little, pick a name.
"It's always trumped-up self-defense..."
Exactly, Chris. When Germany invaded Poland in 1939, Germany's official diplomatic message said the German troops were "returning fire."
..."the Palins, the Hannitys, the Newts...the Limbaughs...the moronic Glenn Becks...the rightwing preachers, the Focus on the Families.."
The left is just loves to throw out names to create their own fray. And the foolish sheep believe that crap.
"Obama does what Jew owners tell him to do."
-Note left by guy who murdered the security guard at the Holocaust Museum
"Them Jews ain't going to let him talk to me. They will not let him to talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is. ."
-Jeremiah Wright in an interview the same day
Bravo Knute.
Anon@7pm and 702pm:
Being an anonymous pussy is not cool. Seriously. Be man enough to send me your snail mail address. I'll keep it confidential. Otherwise you're just the enabler tool I've spoken of, Lord the jeremiah Wright stuff is a joke, and nobody but your silly inner (very inner) is buying it. And yes, you folks are already starting to devour each other:
That's fools like you calling for Shep Smith's firing. LOL.
So if you continue to post your stupid shit anonymously--under the sheet, so to speak--I can't be responsible for the comments directed against you and your ilk, e.g. might involve cornholing lol. (not cornholing you, I mean). So far, I think folk have been pretty nice, to, all things considered.
So again, tell me who you are, and we can take to bullshit offline and i can possibly--hopefully--bring you out of this dark place you're in. Here's your chance. I'm easy to find. But please do not shoot my family...
I appreciate you taking the time to read our bitter comments. Hey, at least your site is gaining popularity. I will consider your offer, but I am (excuse #1)shy. It is you blog name that attracted me. I spent some time in Boykins studying Nat Turner, home sites, people involved, trying to realize the horror to both sides.
Anyway, I will not return with comments unless I fulfill your request.
Take care
SoCal 82Tiger Says:
For everyone who wants to pin this tragedy on the backs of their favorite right or left of center wing nut target.... Words no matter how angry or hateful do not make people nutty or do nutty things - NUTTY PEOPLE DO NUTTY THINGS! IF words were the cause then all of us at this site would be acting out in ways just as screwed up as this latest idiot in DC. Hey you know Hitler was an artist, dog lover, and vegetarian, but I am not going to blame the Holocaust on those people!
I don’t want Professor Nat or his fans boys and girls to stop being honest, blunt, rude, or vulgar when expressing their points. I do wish more ranters would stick to discussing and defending the points of their positions and not speculate on the ethical, moral, and personality shortcomings of their opponents. Oh well one can only hope for more!
Like every right we have in this country the freedom to speak our minds should not be limited because we’re fearful that a VERY VERY small group of already nutty disturbed people will incorporate those words into twisted acts that justify their distorted sense of reality.
That type of thinking soon leads all of US to action like eliminating alcohol (because some people become alcoholics), prohibiting fast food (because some people will get obese and die), or stop driving cars (because some bad drivers get into accidents and kill people). Ahhh wait a minute some people are already pushing for these things – DAMN we’re screwed! :)
A last thought - When you demonize people you disagree with you eliminate the need to even try and have a meaningful discussion about how wrong their positions and beliefs are…
Great work Proffessor!
But you must admit that Janet Langhart is BANGIN'
I'm watching "Gran Torino" (based on your recommendation) before I get into the game. Clint in the first 30 minutes of the movie must be what this murderer was like.
@anonymous 3:54 give me some examples of how we blacks have done everything done to us? I don't know of any blacks in this country owning white slaves. Don't know any blacks who regularly burn crosses on white folks, or any other folks lawns. Don't know any blacks who regularly go around taking a rope and lynching white folks (literal lynching) and the sit around and have a picnic lunch with our kids while it is going on. Don't know of blacks having entire towns where no white people are ALLOWED to live in. Don't know of black people denying little white kids the chance to have an education. I could go on and on? And how am I wearing a black sheet for pointing out the irony of someone who claims to be Jewish who advocates and expresses hatred against blacks. I.e, we are whiners, we rampmantly commit crimes as a group against other groups, we never sympathize with anyone else, blah, blah, blah.
A New & Better Post Racial America My Ass...
Neither side in this discussion talks like things have changed after 300 years!
Everyone desperately holding on to your own baggage making your points, ignoring others valid points, and inflicting verbal beat downs upon each other...
Yeah your not physically beating on each other but for most of you that’s only cause you’re not in the same room…
What a joke to think change and a new day had arrived in America in November 2008...
anonymous 3:54 give me some examples of how we blacks have done everything done to us? I don't know of any blacks in this country owning white slaves. Don't know any blacks who regularly burn crosses on white folks, or any other folks lawns. Don't know any blacks who regularly go around taking a rope and lynching white folks (literal lynching) and the sit around and have a picnic lunch with our kids while it is going on. Don't know of blacks having entire towns where no white people are ALLOWED to live in. Don't know of black people denying little white kids the chance to have an education. I could go on and on? And how am I wearing a black sheet for pointing out the irony of someone who claims to be Jewish who advocates and expresses hatred against blacks. I.e, we are whiners, we rampmantly commit crimes as a group against other groups, we never sympathize with anyone else, blah, blah, blah.
I am also waiting for that answer. It never fails how when Jews and other non-Blacks love to throw in our face our glaring hypocrisy regarding our bigotry, no one can ever respond to how have Black collectively done what Whites who share the same race and skin color of Jews, have ever done anything even remotely on the same scale to Jews or other Non-Blacks that would warrant such withering hatred and disdain. Black are far more likely to kill one another than to engineer the mass slaughter of Jews, Whites, Asians, and Hispanics that could rival anything that was done during the Holocaust, the Armenian Genocide, or the Russian Pogroms--combined. Seems like a lot of dead bodies and horror and shame perpetrated by White men and women.
But then Blacks we are always seen as a seething, infested monolith no matter what rare individual exceptions that are protected from such palpable disgust from Whites, Jews and whoever feels that we are offense to humanity.
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